Can God Save Devils And Angels (Part 2, Advanced)

Earlier we established that God can and will save devils, and with our help, judge them. But how, exactly? What is the process? We saw that they would be shut up for a week or two, presumably on the Earth. But to put the pieces together better than that, we have to review…


In the “True Plan of the Holy Days”, I’ve showed how the seven weeks of Pentecost picture seven “weeks” of 7,000 years each, culminating in the conclusion of the salvation mankind on the day of Pentecost 51,000 years after Jesus returns.

I’ve also shown in “Revelation’s Church Eras – Explained!”, and “Seven Angel Governments” that each one of these weeks is used for the salvation of a particular type of second-resurrection group, corresponding to the seven churches, and thus the seven angels, of Revelation 2-3, because each groups people by the “mood” and problems of an age – and thus, by the mood and problems of that angel.

This solves many age-old questions, like whether God resurrects everyone all at once – because with all this time, He no longer has to resurrect all 100 billion people who have ever lived at once. Instead He resurrects them in batches each week. They might even be subdivided into even smaller batches every 50 years, on the Jubilee, within that week.

It also explains how the “second-saints” are changed into spirit. Rather than spontaneously becoming spirit the moment they learn the last lesson they need, they die in faith – as we do – and are resurrected all at once at the end of the 6th day, just as we were.

Like us, they will be resurrected, and then reign for 1,000 years with Jesus and their elder brethren the firstfruits. This will give them a chance to learn what it takes to be an Elohim before being granted more responsibility on their own.

This fact explains all sorts of symbolism throughout the Bible – like how the loaves of shewbread – 12 loaves each, one loaf for each of the tribes – are baked weekly, and changed out on the Sabbath day (1 Chronicles 9:32, 1 Samuel 21:6).

For if each loaf represents a tribe of saints, which is the only logical conclusion, then a new batch of saints is baked (resurrected/born) every week and, on the Sabbath day – the Millennium – changed out for a new batch.


Having said that, you can see how these weekly bakings of human saints correspond precisely with the weekly judging of the angels who were shut up for the previous week, and done on by those new priests on the same millennial Sabbath day. After all, who better to judge them than those who lived under their rule?

And knowing that allows me to solve one of the oldest questions I’ve never answered, while also answering this question. See the fact is, we need sin for salvation. For a variety of reasons, actually – we need to have an enemy to overcome, to prove we really want to do so.

We need to have known the depths of sin, to see how evil it is and choose to avoid it. But from a legal standpoint, we need someone to blame for our mistakes. If we sin willfully, knowingly, we cannot ever have a sacrifice to cover our sin (Hebrews 10:26).

If there were no devil, we’d all be fully responsible for every sin we ever commit, and that means that ANY sin would be a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven. Because it would be, by definition, a conscious choice to disobey God.

Having a devil as the ultimate author of evil gives all of us some measure of deniability, and saying “the devil made me do it” (Genesis 3:11-14) – while not good enough to get away with your sin, is enough excuse you can be forgiven when you do eventually repent.

Knowing this, I have long struggled to explain how, in the second resurrection with the devil bound, someone born into that world will be able to sin enough to understand they must stop, without committing a willful sun from which there is no forgiveness.

In a world governed by the saints, a harmonious future where no one so much as fibs, it’s hard to see how anyone can understand and overcome sin.

And if that WERE possible, then why wouldn’t God have done it that way in the first place?? Why make the universe suffer with a devil and evil angels, when He could have done without them?

Obviously, He couldn’t. He needed them to provide deniability for the saints. So what, or who, will provide that deniability for the second resurrection? If there is no devil to tempt them, what will they overcome?

And if there is a devil to tempt them, then how will it be easier for them to find salvation? How will we keep that world from being just like this one? And how does God justify releasing a devil he knows will only do evil?

The truth about angelic salvation is the answerto all these other questions, and the key to the salvation of the second-fruits. And that shows just how elegant God’s plan is.

Consider what that future world needs:

  1. A way for angels to “bring forth fruits meet for repentance”, and prove they’ve changed.
  2. A way for those second-saints to have an excuse for their inevitable, and necessary-to-salvation, sins.

Looked at in this light, each of these “problems” are the solution to the other. The angels need a place to show they’ve changed; to try to do better, to show that they were deceived by Satan and that their past works don’t reflect their true selves.

But when they do that, they’re going to make a mess. They’re going screw up things, and manage their authority badly at times. And some of them won’t have changed!

But that very mismanagement will give the second-saints an excuse for failing to obey God – thus, when they do repent, a way to say “the devil made me do it”, and leave God able to forgive them.

So as we allow angels to be themselves to show us whether or not they are worth saving, the second-saints, and the thousand generations of children born in that time, will be exposed to error; even evil.

But unlike in this world, the “spirits of just men made perfect” will be there to keep them from really screwing up. To keep the “evil” at manageable levels. Never again will it be like it is today.

The chaos will be managed, because rather than only God and Jesus, there will be 144,000 saints to help manage the angels – but not micromanage, because they are supposed to be proving themselves, and they can’t do that if we’re constantly watching them.

This will provide a relatively deception-free place for the second-saints to learn how to overcome sins (and for newborn children in that time to do the same) ALL THE WHILE giving the leprous angels a chance to prove that they love God more than Satan.

As I said – an elegant solution, using two problems to solve each other. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.


Just as for the second resurrection people, this will be the first time most of these angels are being judged. And just as the second resurrection saints will be judged in an easier version of the same trial their elder brethren were, so also the second judgment of angels will happen in an easier version of the same way the first judgment of angels was done

The first angels were put in charge of a certain region of the Earth for a certain time; periodically, God intervened and gave certain angels specific orders – Sodom, for example; or Daniel; or Babel. But generally, they were given the right to make decisions – good or bad – on their own.

God clearly gave them all a set of instructions at the start, based on Psalms 82. “Do justice, defend the weak, etc”. God’s anger at their failure to follow these instructions proves that the instructions were given.

But each one of them took these instructions in a very different direction. Gabriel took the law and hyper-emphasized the physical, being the warrior of God that He is – and created Islam. Michael, angel of protestants, took the same law and hyper-emphasized the emotional, the compassionate.

Both are wrong, but both are better than, say the Asian angel who took the same law and concluded that honoring our ancestors and not bringing shame to them was the most important thing. All of these are clearly attempts to “do justice, defend the weak”, and so on; but each Angel went about it very differently, and some methods failed more miserably than others.

The point is, that God gave them a great deal of latitude to interpret His commands, and supervised them just enough to make sure nothing got totally out of hand (Mark 13:20, for example). When one of them had a problem they couldn’t solve, they appealed to Him and He helped them figure it out.

Genesis 18:20-21 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

God had heard – from angels – that there was a problem here but He hadn’t seen it personally. These two angels with Him (verses 1-2, 22, Genesis 19:1) clearly were in over their heads, and must have appealed for help.

But like most employees, some angels were too proud to ask for help. Some didn’t even realize they had a problem. Just like how God commanded Saul to kill everyone and everything in Amalek, and instead Saul spared the king and the oxen and sheep.

1 Samuel 15:13-14 And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the LORD: I have performed the commandment of the LORD. And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?

Saul truly believed He had done what God asked; and, in an identical way, many of the devils probably believe they have done exactly what God asked them to do. They’re doing exactly what God said… as they heard it, as they remember it, and as they understood it. Which is to say… not what God said at all.

If you have trouble believing that, just think back to the last time someone told you to do something, and it turned out you did it wrong. Did you realize it was wrong until they told you so? Most of the time, no, you didn’t. It took someone else judging you for you to realize how badly you’d screwed it up.

So this is how the top angels are judged today. In exactly the same way, the new judgment of angels will involve putting different angels in charge of jobs like that, telling them what to do and giving them a chance to do it right… or wrong… and then checking on them after a period of time and seeing how they’ve done.

And as the first angels were put on the Earth to rule it for one week, so these angels will be “shut up” for seven days, to see if the tarnish of Satan’s way of doing thing is a spreading sore… or if their soul loves the truth enough to fight it off, scab it over, and let it heal.

Leviticus 13:5 And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more:

So every Sabbath day, we will look in on the angels from that batch to see how they’re doing, and judge them for that week’s work.

This doesn’t mean we’ll ignore them the meanwhile – the leper was no doubt fed during the week of his quarantine – it just means that the Sabbath Millennium is when the sum of their works are judged by the son of Aaron.

If the priest isn’t sure after the first week, the angels might be sequestered another week; maybe working at a lower rank? Or under a more intensive test? It’s hard to say at this point.

Regardless, after having been sequestered for a week or two if they show no improvement they are cast out as unclean forever, put in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels.

Or if they show enough improvement, they are judged as healed and ready to come back into the camp. But there’s just one problem. Even though they are now judged leprosy free they are still unclean.


I said earlier that the sacrifice of birds was the “cure” for lepers, but that really isn’t true. They were a way to ritually purify someone who had already overcome leprosy. Beyond quarantine and, in some cases, bathing and washing or destroying clothes, you seem to be expected to get over leprosy on your own.

And that’s to be expected of angels – they’ll have to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, just like us (Philippians 2:12). No one will do it for them, even if they get help from time to time.

If you find salvation it will be because you loved the truth and pursued it at any cost – not because God magically “saved you”. God gives you the tools and the opportunity to change yourself, and then watches to see if you do it.

Likewise, God, and the saints, will give the angels the tools and the opportunity to change – and then watch to see if they’re healing, or getting worse. But even if they demonstrate a change of heart, they’re still unclean.

Because deciding not to sin any more doesn’t undo sins from the past – for them, any more than for us. So like us, once their heart turns toward God again, they still need a path of redemption.

Leviticus 14:2-3 This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing: He shall be brought unto the priest: And the priest shall go forth out of the camp; and the priest shall look, and, behold, if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper;

So the priest – one of the saints in their capacity to judge angels – takes the leper outside the camp. This must be outside the heavenly camp, therefore… Earth. So the saint looks in the Earth for signs of leprosy in this angel!

Why? Because that is where the leper had been “shut up” for the last 7,000 years! We know that angels are now running most of the behind-the-scenes details of the world – Daniel 10-11 and Revelation 2-3 tell us that.

But these angels who are managing it in this time are the highest echelon – the seven archangels. Of those, only two have proved to be righteous – Michael and Gabriel (Philadelphia and Ephesus). Two are such obvious lepers as to be judged on sight (Laodicea and Sardis). The other three are leprous, but not necessarily terminally so. They might yet heal, if they were “shut up seven days”!

Leviticus 14:4-7 Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive… And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water: As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water: And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field.

This is strongly reminiscent of the Atonement sacrifice two chapters later; almost identical, really, except with birds instead of goats. The sacrifice involves two birds, one to die and one to lead into the “wilderness”; the blood from the sacrificed bird is sprinkled seven times on the other bird.

Remember: the sacrificed thing represents what it’s sacrificed for. So this bird is killed instead of this repentant angel; and the other bird is banished instead of this repentant angel.

These birds pay the price for his sin, in his place. But Jesus paid the price for that bird that died, so by extension Jesus died for that angel, in his place.

And the sins of this angel are put on the live bird, blamed on it by sprinkling the blood from the dead bird on it, to indicate that its “hands are defiled with blood” (Isaiah 59:3).

Just as Satan is banished into a bottomless pit, ultimately to die in the lake of fire; the scapegoat for this angel, and all mankind, is being punished for sin so that this angel doesn’t have to be.

And the blood is sprinkled seven times – picturing the seven weeks of the salvation of the second-resurrection, and of the concurrent judgment of the second-angels.


But there’s another detail here – this sacrifice is supposed to be killed “over running water”. The margin says, correctly, that it must be killed over “living water”. Those were the Hebrew words, killed over living water.

What does that mean? We’re all familiar with the living water scriptures in the NT, but the assumption is that it’s not a real thing – only a symbolic one. Yet here, Israel is expected to be able to find it to do a literal sacrifice.

Obviously, it’s actually talking about running water, water which looks as if it’s alive – as compared to a pot of water or a pond. But equally obviously, it also means the symbolic water Jesus said would flow out of the bellies of the first resurrection saints, or out from under the throne room.

That means these birds are killed – these angels are purified – AFTER the river of life flows out from Jerusalem after Jesus’ return! Because they must be sacrificed over that river!

Leviticus 14:8 And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he may be clean: and after that he shall come into the camp, and shall tarry abroad out of his tent seven days.

And after the sacrifices are made, he shaves all his hair off and is baptized – conveniently, there is a river of living water nearby! Then he spends seven days “tarrying abroad”. Another week in limbo – clean, but not zestfully clean.

Leviticus 14:9 But it shall be on the seventh day, that he shall shave all his hair off his head and his beard and his eyebrows, even all his hair he shall shave off: and he shall wash his clothes, also he shall wash his flesh in water, and he shall be clean.

And this is a second baptism! The baptism of John was just to symbolize repentance (Acts 19:4), which the angel had done at the beginning of this final (possibly his third) week. The bird was killed OVER living water, then the angel washed in living water!

The priest was satisfied that the angel had repented, and offered the sacrifice for his past sins. But that doesn’t buy him life! It only buys him the absence of death! So this next week is a chance for this angel to “walk in newness of life”, and prove that He truly loved God’s way of life!

And only then would he be ready to be baptized with a second baptism, which can only be the baptism of Christ, which can only be to receive the holy spirit (Acts 19:5-6).

Verses 10-12 And on the eighth day… the priest that maketh him clean shall present the man that is to be made clean, and those things, before the LORD, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: And the priest shall take one he lamb, and offer him for a trespass offering, and the log of oil, and wave them for a wave offering before the LORD:

And once he has done that, the newly refurbished angel is ready to be inspected by the Father. Notice that it is “the priest that makes him clean” that waves him before the Lord.

So the saint who has been managing this particular angel is the one who presents him to the Father for final judgment – and will probably answer for any flaws God may find in his sacrifice! Another reason why so many weeks of inspection and proof are required!

Along with the angel the priest waves various sacrifices and, significantly, a log of oil. Oil symbolizes good works (not the holy spirit), so the priest presents God with a list of the ex-leper’s works for the past weeks – his oil – to show the Father that he has indeed been a “light of the world”!

Then the blood of the sacrifice is applied to his right ear, thumb, and toe; a symbol of cleaning his hearing, his works, and his steps; then his oil is applied to cover those, proving that he has works to go with his repentance. Then he is cleansed, and joins the ranks of the righteous angels.

So why is there a full week between the baptisms of this angel? Because he was judged ready for baptism of repentance as soon as the priest was sure the sickness wasn’t SPREADING. This extra week gives him a chance to show that he is truly HEALED of Leprosy!

2 Chronicles 5:14Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

This leper (angel) who was a gentile (not a follower of God) dipped himself seven times in the waters of Jordan (running, therefore living, water), and came out with his skin like a little child! Which is the exact same number of times angels, as a whole, will be baptized – every sabbath, for seven weeks!

Because only with skin like a little child, and a heart like a little child, can the angel enter the kingdom of God! (Mark 10:15).


In the tabernacle – picturing our current bodies, for the 7,000 years of this life – there is only one candlestick with seven flames above it. This candlestick pictures the true church, led by the seven spirits of God (Revelation 4:5).

We infer, from the fact that the Lamb goes from 7 horns/eyes to 2, and from the list of threats in Revelation 2-3, that five of these flames don’t make it, and are snuffed out – or at the very least, demoted.

But in the temple of Solomon – picturing our future bodies, and thus in the second resurrection time-frame – there are ten lampstands, each with seven flames each – for a total of SEVENTY top angels! (1 Kings 7:49)

There are a variety of reasons why this might be true; but the one I like best ties back to the evil private who loved to slaughter the saints. Even though God is not trying to judge most angels today, there is no point in waiting another week to judge him – it would only allow him to slaughter more innocents.

By the same token, even though angels are not judged today, it is possible for any angel to choose to defy his evil leadership and execute justice in his domain. Some may even have been killed in the war in heaven, or defending the saints or the truth of God.

Of the 100 billions of people who have ever lived, only 144,000 make it into the first resurrection. And God is trying to save humanity today!

Of the millions of angels, what if only 70 have managed to impress God enough to be promoted to archangel status in the “first angel judgment”? While the two faithful archangels are promoted even higher, to the top of the throne itself?

This idea, if true, would give God one “angelic saint” as a “firstborn” top angel for each of the seventy nations of Genesis 10, which comprises the total sum of humanity. Which would, again, be a tidy, elegant solution.

Clearly, there is a lot more to understand on this foundation, and many scriptures we’ve understood one way have to be looked at in a new light. Some will no doubt influence these ideas, and require some revisions.

But however God plans to rearrange it, we know that, over time, all the angels will be made responsible for their actions in that world, and will be judged by the saints to whom God gives the kingdom.

And we also know that God is not a respecter of persons; and that any angel who fears him, and loves righteousness, will be rewarded with the honor and glory that those traits deserve (Acts 10:34-35, Hebrews 6:10).


There is a LOT more to be explained here. This only scratches the surface. But in closing I want to show one more sacrifice that involves angels.

Genesis 15:9-10And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon. And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not.

This is arguably the most important sacrifice in the Bible, after Jesus’ own. For here God established the covenant of faith with Abraham which officially founded the NC church (Galatians 3:6-9).

We know that females represent a church, and oxen represent the Elohim, so this is the church of the firstborn. We also know that female goats/sheep represent the church of the secondborn.

The ram represents Jesus Himself, giving up His immortality – the sacrifice which is required to let those first two groups find salvation – and to make Himself the first of the firstfruits.

Finally, we have a turtledove and a young pigeon. These can only represent angel groups which find salvation, just like the first groups did. I would say they most likely represent the two loyal angels – Gabriel and Michael – the two angels who now cover the mercy seat!

Curiously, these are the only two creatures not divided as part of the sacrifice. The other animals were divided, and laid on each side of a path. This is not an arbitrary fact, because God specifically forbids cutting birds in two for the sacrifices:

Leviticus 1:14-17 And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to the LORD be of fowls, then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves, or of young pigeons… And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder

Why not? Why that particular detail? Because the angels they represent are not divided in two. So why were the beasts divided in two – the beasts which represent us?

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The Father has three descendants – Jesus, obviously. The firstborn church, collectively; and the secondborn church, finally. Each of them must have their beast divided from their soul, their soul divided from their spirit, and their lives separated from their bodies.

Likewise in this sacrifice Abraham – who, in symbolism, pictures the Father – wielded the sword of the spirit against his own children, to help them divide their beasts’ nature from the nature of God.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto MEN once to die, but after this the judgment:

The word of God helps you separate what your beast wants, from what your soul wants. This didn’t happen to the angels, who were never physical, and never had to have their body separated from their soul.

Which is why the birds which are sacrificed are never divided. Nor have the angels been appointed “once to die, and AFTER this the judgment”. Their judgment comes before their death.

Genesis 15:11And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away.

And while they’re being offered, all of these groups – Jesus, the first and second resurrection, and Michael’s and Gabriel’s companies of angels – had to be defended from the deception of the evil angels all day long by the Father. Only at the end of the day, when they’ve survived, are they ready to be accepted.

But why are the animals all three years old? That’s a unique number in the sacrifices, as far as I know. If these represent the true churches and Jesus… then how old are they, when they are ready to be offered?

John 2:19, 21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up… But he spake of the temple of his body.

Jesus founded the church on Pentecost, 31 AD; He will resurrect the firstfruits after 2,000 years, and they will reign with him for 1,000 years more… that’s three days! After that they will be ready to venture beyond the porch of the temple, and be “offered” before the Father.

So of course the heifer was three years old; that’s how old the church of the firstborn is when Abraham offers it before God! And that’s how old Jesus’ new spiritual body is – 3,000 years since he was first of the firstborn!

This sacrifice symbolizes every group who would ever find salvation through this sacrifice. Which is precisely what you would expect from the offering of the father of the faithful, the physical head of the family of God’s church!

And of course Abraham offered birds. Because through him, even they will find salvation!

All of them who love the truth, that is.

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