
Here is the collection of all the posts over the years. We've divided them into categories based on how fundamental they are to a true understanding of the Bible. If you're new to the site, we strongly recommend you start by reading the articles in the first section, since most of the other articles are based on the ideas in them. Enjoy!

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 “Why Did God Make Me?”

Have you ever asked the question… “Why did God make me?” Do you really want to know WHY you were born? What the grand, cosmic purpose of YOUR existence is? Well, I’ll tell... Read more

Any Church Is Better Than No Church

Any Church Is Better Than No Church
“But… you’ve GOT to go to church somewhere!” Everyone in the world, regardless of their religion, knows without question that the one thing most important in life is to go to church. This is... Read more

 Can ALL These Churches Be Wrong?

One of the first questions that pops up when I explain to someone that Christmas is pagan, that the resurrection was not on Sunday morning, or that God doesn’t go to church on Sunday, is... Read more

 Do You Know The Lord?

  Friend, have you been saved? Do you LOVE JESUS? You do? That’s wonderful! Do you KNOW THE LORD?? Yes? That’s terrific! Do you keep His Ten Commandments? What? You DON’T?? Oh... Read more

Does God Exist?

Does God exist? Billions today believe that He does, billions more believe that He doesn’t. But both sides BELIEVE! Either side they are on, they base their belief on an OPINION! On a FAITH... Read more

 Does God Love All Men Equally?

People crossing lane
The churches in the world today almost UNIVERSALLY believe that God loves ALL MEN equally – showing no favoritism – AFTER ALL, they say, God is not a respecter of persons! What... Read more

Goal Of Life

Goal Of Life
All life has one ultimate goal: to reproduce. They struggle to survive, but in the end, all life puts reproduction above all other things – sacrificing themselves for their offspring, if... Read more

God Doesn’t Want Unity!

God Doesn’t Want Unity!
God Doesn’t Want Unity! That’s not His plan! The splinters, schisms, divisions and fights in the church today are a GREAT THING! God ordained it to be so, FOR A PURPOSE!! Men seem to... Read more

 How Dare You Judge Me

How Dare You Judge Me
How dare you judge me! How DARE you judge me! The strident cry echoes throughout the halls of the modern day church. Everywhere the name of Christ is spoken, this ardent cry shrills against the... Read more

 How Often Should We Eat Communion?

There are probably more opinions about this question than any other; some keep it whenever they feel like it; some do it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly; some in the morning, some in the... Read more

How To Detect The Spirit Of God

There has always been a problem in the true church of God. How do you know who is a part of the church and who isn’t? Something that can draw a line between someone who believes everything God... Read more

HOW To Love Your Enemies

HOW To Love Your Enemies
How exactly DO you love your enemies? Do you give the man coming at you with a knife a big hug? And how are you supposed to bless them that curse you? Just say “oh bless you, my children”... Read more

Is God A Trinity?

Is God A Trinity?
The word “trinity” does not appear in the Bible. And yet denying the trinity is the #1 definition of a cult. Does that make sense? The way the term is used in casual literature and sermons we are... Read more

Is This The ONLY Day of Salvation?

“THIS IS THE ONLY DAY OF SALVATION!!” thunders the evangelist to his trembling parishioners! “If you’re not saved TODAY, YOU WILL BE LOST FOREVER!” he roars, as all the... Read more

Keep The Sabbathy Sabbath

Keep The Sabbathy Sabbath
If I tell someone to start keeping the Sabbath, their first thought is “but how can I do that, if there are no Sabbath-keeping churches nearby??” It has become thoroughly ingrained in the mind of... Read more

Lazarus And The Rich Man

Lazarus and the rich man. A chilling story of a wicked man tortured in the fire and brimstone of hell for all eternity. A warning of what awaits all those who would reject the message of Jesus and... Read more


First of all, let’s solve one simple argument. It’s pretty much a given that God is pretty smart. And therefore, God probably knows most of the languages on Earth. Ok, so He probably... Read more

 Once Saved Is NOT Always Saved

“Can a Christian lose his salvation? Can a person once saved, having received God’s free gift of eternal life and having been born into the family of God, again return exactly and... Read more

Prayer Makes No Sense

I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray, far from it. But prayer as understood by pretty much every Christian in the world is simply irrational. The average prayer goes something like this “Lord,... Read more

Salvation of Angels

We are blinded. You are blinded. We look at the Bible and read what it says, and we think we see – but we don’t. An unimaginable trove of truth is hidden in plain sight on every page of... Read more

Should A Christian Fight?

Should A Christian Fight?
Joining the MILITARY SERVICE and GOING TO WAR IS A SIN! Have you ever asked yourself, what does GOD SAY about fighting in the military? What is your duty to your country? What IS your country? Why do... Read more

The False Cross

The False Cross
This is part 2 of a series; The True Cross is part 1. When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, they faced an enormous challenge. They were facing a life where they made their own... Read more

The KEY to the Book of Romans

The KEY to the Book of Romans
The book of Romans has probably been responsible for more misunderstandings than any other book ever written; not excepting revelation. The book of Romans IS confusing. Let’s take this passage... Read more

 The Resurrection Was NOT On Sunday!

…And the crucifixion was NOT on good Friday! Those shocking words should stir up anger in any good Christian, and I hope they build a fire in you! You have grown up supposing that the Bible... Read more

The Simple Truth About Faith

Faith has been one of the most sought-after things in the history of God’s Church. Every member of God’s Church down through time has, at one time or another, longed to understand this truth.... Read more

The Simple Truth About Grace

What is Grace? Is it, as you’ve probably always believed, favor? Favor which allows you to sin with impunity? Does GRACE do away with the law of God? It most certainly does not! You’re... Read more

The True Cross

This is part 1 of a series. For much of the last 2,000 years, archaeologists, saints, and crusaders have sought relics of the true cross. And throughout that time, many fragments of the true cross... Read more

Unlikely Things Jesus Did And Thought

Unlikely Things Jesus Did And Thought
We say we know someone when we have enough understanding of their basic behavior to build a composite that, to us, represents this person. In other words, we know how they acted the last 3 times we... Read more

Was Jesus A Rude Racist?

Was Jesus A Rude Racist?
We all know that there was a Jesus who was compassionate, and loving, and merciful; the Bible is full of hundreds of scriptures that speak of his patience and kindness. But was He also a rude racist?... Read more

We Are NOT Under The Law!

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? The entire Christian world believes that it means that the Law – that is, the ten commandments – is done away, nailed to the cross, and that we are under... Read more

 Were YOU Predestined To Be Saved?

Were YOU predestined to be saved, before the world was? Did God plan a certain number of people, and prepare their souls, and then plan out their entire lives all the way up to resurrection as an... Read more

What Was Wrong With Job?

What Was Wrong With Job?
What was Job’s sin? Why did He have to go through such trials and tribulations? Was he proud and self-righteous? Or was it something else? Should we hold Job up as a warning to those who dare to... Read more

Which Bible Is Correct?

Which Bible Is Correct?
How can you know WHICH Bible is correct? We have all sorts of versions out there – KJV, NIV, ASV, RSV, and quite literally hundreds of others – but which should you read? Does it matter?... Read more

Who Commanded You To Keep Sunday?

[Note: This booklet was originally published as three separate entries, here combined into one. You may request a free hard copy by contacting us] Why do you worship God on Sunday? Do you know? Did... Read more

Why are we still talking about this?

The most divisive subject in the world is religion. On the one hand, this makes sense – none of us can really see God, so the idea that He exists at all takes a bit of effort to believe.... Read more

Why Did Jesus Become A Man?

Man at the end of a tunnel
You’ve heard since your earliest memories of religion why Jesus came. Did you know that what little you heard that wasn’t wrong, wasn’t half the story? Yes, Jesus came to die for our sins, yes... Read more

Why Isn’t God Answering Your Prayers?

Everyone knows that the bible teaches about Faith. And you also know that the Creator of the universe has promised to answer your prayers. Quickly, and dramatically. To quote just two scriptures:... Read more

Why Wouldn’t He?

Why Wouldn’t He?
YOU LACK FAITH. You know this is true. You may not like accepting it, but it is true. You know full well that you could have more faith that you do – probably a lot. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? If... Read more

 You Are King!

You are King!
Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Sharks? Tornadoes, germs, lightning, thieves, bats? WHY?? Don’t you know that you are in CHARGE of them all? That God GAVE them to you?? Let’s get this... Read more


Biblical Chronology – Solved At Last!

Biblical Chronology – Solved At Last!
Is it possible to date the creation of the world? Does the Bible give us proof of the exact year, even the day and hour? Yes! Daniel 9:26-27 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut... Read more

Christ Courting The Church

Figurine of boy and girl
Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the... Read more

Exodus 40 – The Plan Of God

Tent Set Up
As I was reading through Exodus 40, I stumbled across a striking pattern that fits everything I already knew about the plan of God, but adds several details and makes them clear in a way I hadn’t... Read more

Golden Censer – Your Heart’s Sentry

Golden Censer
The golden censer was placed in front of the veil, outside the holy of holies. Every morning and evening Aaron burns incense on it. Nothing else is to be offered on it except incense, and once a year... Read more

It’s Better To Be The Younger Brother

It’s Better To Be The Younger Brother
Having grown up as the youngest child, I have some experience with the life of a young sibling. Everyone says the baby has it easier than the older children do, but not too long ago I realized that... Read more

Job The Christ

Job The Christ
In a scripture that I have used to the point some might call it abuse, Paul told us that “…all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon... Read more

 Moses: The First Commandment Breaker

I’ve often told the joke “Hey, who was the first person to break the commandments”, and I get various responses such as “Adam” or “Lucifer”. Then I told the punchline “No, Moses was... Read more

Old Testament Church Eras

7 birds
I’ve devoted so many articles to the seven church eras and the seven spirits of God that I’ve lost count. The amount of information that exists, and can be extrapolated, from those few... Read more

Rachel And Leah

Two Dolls
Like most of the Old Testament, Rachel and the people around her were just examples for us; written for our admonition, as Paul informs us (1 Corinthians 10:11). To unravel this particular one... Read more

Satan’s Birthday

Holding Fireworks
If you haven’t read my article “The TRUE Plan Of The Holy Days”, stop right here; don’t bother reading any more because nothing I’m about to say will make any sense to you.... Read more

Styx And Stones And Resurrected Bones

I am about to explain to you one of the most beautiful pieces of understanding I have ever received; I say beautiful because it ties together unexplained fragments of scripture to form a picture so... Read more

Symbolism of Saul, Satan, And Samuel

1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Paul had just gone through some... Read more

Symbolism Of The Candlestick

As near as we can tell, the candlestick looked like the picture at left. It was carved on the arch of Titus in 81 A.D., after it was removed from Jerusalem, by Titus, about a decade earlier. It is... Read more

Symbolism Of The Showbread

Most of the information about the showbread is in one place; Leviticus 24:5-9 And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes thereof: two tenth deals shall be in one cake. And thou shalt set... Read more

The Bride Of The Father

Woman swimming with fishes
In Genesis 2:18, God said “It is not good that the man should be alone”. Then He proceeded to create Eve. When the Pharisees asked Him about divorce, Jesus replied “Have ye not read, that he... Read more

The Cats in the Bible

(By Angelica C. Fermis) Cats as a group, unlike dogs, do not appear in the Bible. Only two specific cats are mentioned – the lion and the leopard. Leopards were mostly used in the same... Read more

The Symbolism of Moses and Miriam

Two Soaps
Let’s explain something that has always bugged me. The mother of Jesus was named Mary. The elder sister of Moses was named Miriam. They sound alike because they are the same name – Miriam is the... Read more

The Temple Of God

The Temple Of God
This article is best read in a series; Click here to read The temple is one of the most complex symbols in the Bible. Most people shudder when you start talking about it. It’s boring to read... Read more

The Twelve And The Seventy

Exodus 15:27 And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters. Luke 9:1, 10:1 Then he called his twelve disciples... Read more

The Two Sacrifices Of Jesus

The Two Sacrifices Of Jesus
Few people realize it, but Jesus made two sacrifices; and it’s hard to say which is greater. Sadly, no one even knows about the first sacrifice. So let’s correct that shameful oversight. John... Read more

Was John Elijah – Or Not?

Was John Elijah – Or Not?
Yes. I mean, no. I mean, yes. If you casually look at the scriptures on this subject, that’s the answer you’ll get. Allow me to demonstrate: Luke 1:17 And he [John] shall go before him... Read more

What Is The Baptism Of John?

What is it? And how Is the Baptism of John different from the baptism of Christ? Did you ever wonder? Why it is that John’s baptism came first? Why it didn’t come with the holy spirit?... Read more

What Is The Lake Of Fire

What Is The Lake Of Fire
Everyone knows that the lake of fire burning with brimstone is the reward of the incorrigibly wicked. But do we really know what it is? Revelation is a book of symbols. Practically nothing in there... Read more

What Is The Symbolism Of Footwashing?

Anyone who has ever kept the passover has asked “what does footwashing represent?”. We drink the wine and eat the bread, and those symbols are well defined. But footwashing? It isn’t mentioned... Read more

What Is The Symbolism Of Oil?

I’ve always heard that oil in the Bible represented the holy spirit. And it has always fit – more or less – and so I’ve used it here and there. But I’ve never trusted it. It always felt... Read more

Why Are Unclean Meats Unclean?

“Why are unclean meats unclean?” “God said so.” “Well why did He say so?” “Because He knows something we don’t.” “DUH! Is that the best you can do?” “Well … maybe it’s... Read more

Why Was Sinai Holy?

There is something I’ve always wondered; as you probably know, there are two places in the Bible that are called holy, from the very beginning, namely, Jerusalem and Sinai. So why are they Holy? Of... Read more

Our Coolest Articles

Book Report: 1984 by George Orwell

Have you ever asked yourself how the Devil feels about the plan of God? I mean, he is brilliant, clever, and has been around for a long time and has the Bible memorized. In fact, he was there when... Read more

Can God Save Devils and Angels?

Bird on hand
Is there salvation for angels? Can God save devils? Contrary to how they’re portrayed in mythology and TV, devils and angels are not different species. They’re made out of spirit, and appear very... Read more

 Christian Vampires

Christian Vampires
Throughout history followers of God have always been accused of horrible atrocities; rumors spread by those who half-understood and fully hated the Christians and the Israelites before them. This is... Read more

 Don’t Tie Your Shoes!

We’ve all heard the story of Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. I think it behooves today’s church to examine their attitudes a bit. In Daniel 3, a giant golden idol... Read more

 Finding The One True God

God. Allah. Buddha. Baal. Ashtoreth. Diana. Ra. Gaia. Whoever he or she is, your god defines who you are. Your god typifies everything that you aspire to be in life, and possesses all of the... Read more

 God Hates Dogs

God hates dogs
This shocking title is one of the easiest statements to prove from the Bible; and at the same time, one of the most offensive to your average person. Everyone loves dogs – loves them beyond... Read more

 God Prophesied Stupidity!

God Prophesied Stupidity!
Over 2700 Years ago God prophesied that the world today would be stupid – incompetent! He prophesied that you would be double-billed by the phone company. That you would be sent the wrong... Read more

God Versus The Scientific Process

God Versus The Scientific Process
There are two schools of thought in the world day, which together comprise the vast majority of people out there; scientists and believers. And these two groups are continually at odds with one... Read more

Haran The Hero

The first 11 chapters in the Bible cover roughly 2,000 years of Earth’s early history. Almost half of that is about Noah. The remaining 1178 chapters of the Bible are about Abraham, his children,... Read more

How Did Jesus Learn He Was God?

Did you ever wonder? I sure did. I thought about it a lot. HOW did Christ learn He was God? I was always told “He just knew”. He “remembered His past Godhood”. And that was rather... Read more

How EVERYTHING Will Be Vegetarian

How EVERYTHING Will Be Vegetarian
We know that in the Garden of Eden, God told the animals “every green herb have I given you for meat”. In Eden, even the animals were vegetarians; But, I have to ask – how did... Read more

Is “Mister” Christian?

Is Calling Someone “Mister”, Christian? Why does the whole world insist on this custom? Is this the way of showing true respect to an elder? Should YOU use the term “Mr.”? What does your... Read more

Is English A Pure Language?

Is English A Pure Language?
Many people in the world – at least, in the English speaking world – believe that English is a pure language. That we’ll be speaking English after the return of Christ, when Zechariah... Read more

Is It I? The Judas Story

Is It I? The Judas Story
Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts. Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. These... Read more

Jesus In Every Psalm

Jesus In Every Psalm
We all know that the Psalms contain many prophecies about Christ. But I’m here to propose a new idea. That the Psalms are ALL prophecies of Christ. Let that sink in. The thesis is, that every... Read more

Saving Knowledge Kills

Saving Knowledge Kills
Do you have saving knowledge? Do you know everything you need to know to be saved? Nearly every Christian in the world just shouted a resounding “absolutely!” And all of them are dead in their... Read more

Seven Angel Governments

As yet another installment in what seems at times to be a bottomless source of revelations, it’s time to talk about yet another application of the seven spirits of God. If what I’ve said... Read more

Seven Angels, Two Righteous

We have only three angels named in the Bible – Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, and a nameless “the prince of Greece”. We know that there are seven spirits of God – seven top... Read more

Significance Of Twelve

Twelve is a number used in the Bible repeatedly; only slightly less than God’s favorite seven. Now there are many books on numerology out there that will give you explanations for these... Read more

 The Bible Condemns Locks!

What does the Bible say about locks? Should you use them? Should you rely on God, but use “Common sense”? Had you ever asked these questions? Or had you just accepted that “The Lord... Read more

The Bride Of The Father

Woman swimming with fishes
In Genesis 2:18, God said “It is not good that the man should be alone”. Then He proceeded to create Eve. When the Pharisees asked Him about divorce, Jesus replied “Have ye not read, that he... Read more

 The Evolution of Language

The Evolution of Language
According to what we’ve been taught in school, man started his communication by pointing at things and grunting, then developed different grunts for different things, and then spontaneously... Read more

The Inalienable Rights Of Sin

We have all heard that Sin is bad. Sin is evil. Sin is despicable and odious and must be avoided at all costs. But I think we have misjudged Sin. I think we’ve given it a bad rap. Today, I want to... Read more

The Last Test Is Success

The Last Test Is Success
Picture yourself. Thousands of years in the future, a king and priest in the family of God. Endowed with the nature and power of God, second in rank only to God the Father. You will be worshiped, and... Read more

The Music Of God

Xylophone Toy
No one can read the Bible and not walk away knowing that the number seven is somehow special to God. Seven days of creation, seven thousand years in this age, seven years for a year of release, seven... Read more

 The Only Sin

I have committed, it seems, the only sin. The only REAL sin. At least, that’s what I gather from the people who disagree with me. I live in a world, as do you, where any sin can be forgiven. In... Read more

 The REAL Message Of Jonah

Did you know that the primary, if not SOLE purpose of the book of Jonah was to condemn patriotism? To condemn people who have “support our troops!” on their bumper sticker? That’s... Read more

The Roadmap To Immortality

If the churches in this world only knew! If they only knew HOW WRONG, how totally unscriptural most of their teachings were! And, standing out as a beacon above all of their errors is their teaching... Read more

The SHOCKING Truth About Prayer

The SHOCKING Truth About Prayer
Prayer – the only verbal contact you have with God. And yet, most people totally destroy their prayers! They rob their prayers of the POWER they should have by ignoring the GRAVITY of the... Read more

The TRUE Plan of the Holy Days

The TRUE Plan of the Holy Days
What are the holy days? What do they represent? I’ve heard many interpretations of the holy days – some more lucid than others – but nothing that made a PACKAGE. Nothing... Read more

The Truth Behind Conspiracy Theories

The Truth Behind Conspiracy Theories
Frequently, people come up to me with the air of someone who is about to impart a dark secret, and half-whisper something like this “Did you know that there is ABSOLUTE PROOF that the government is... Read more

The Unknown (Third) Commandment

The Unknown (Third) Commandment
Most of the commandments are pretty clear; don’t steal. Don’t lie. Don’t worship idols. Don’t worship other gods. Some seem more important than others and some are easier to... Read more

Unclean… Milk?

Unclean... Milk?
This is an issue that isn’t very important in the western hemisphere. Nonetheless, for the globetrotters amongst us and those who value knowledge in any form, it becomes an interesting... Read more

 Was Paul A Saint?

Was Paul a saint? I don’t mean in the Biblical sense of the word saint, but more in the Catholic and Protestant sense of the word. See we are trained to picture the men of the Bible as... Read more

Was There Rain Before The Flood?

This question comes up often in relation to pre-flood geology and, for that matter, everyday life in Pre-delugian times. So, had it ever rained before the Flood? Or was the only precipitation a mist... Read more

 What Color Was Adam?

What Color Was Adam?
This is a touchy subject; but touchy or not, it’s time we understood it. Let me state up front that if you think that any of the races are not children of God and don’t have an equal... Read more

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Your life is MEANINGLESS! Your life HAS NO PURPOSE! No direction, no place to go – nothing of VALUE to LOOK FORWARD TO! Do you want to FIX THAT? Do you want to UNDERSTAND why, and CHANGE IT? Do... Read more

What Was Satan’s Sin?

(By Crystal Burson) The world today says that Satan’s sin was that he focused on himself, using the pronoun “I” too much. But there is little to support this idea because God... Read more

When NOT To Pray

Did you know there is not one single example in the New Testament of anyone being healed by prayer? I’m dead serious. Not a single one – I’m about to prove it. Understand, I have... Read more

Where Is Heaven?

Most of the ancient world believed their gods were vaguely “above” them, and hell was “below” them. When the Earth is flat, this makes sense, and which particular direction above you... Read more

 Which Is The Greatest Commandment?

Which Is The Greatest Commandment?
The world today has a completely skewed picture of justice. Even the churches, who are supposed to teach the law, have largely done away with it. But even those churches who teach that there is no... Read more

Why Is The Blood Reserved For God?

Narrow-minded literalists would just say “well, He must know something we don’t – blood MUST be bad for you somehow!” … but that’s just cheating. Yes, God said not to do it and... Read more

Why Is The Fat Reserved For God?

Why Is The Fat Reserved For God?
We all know that God says that “the fat is mine” dozens of places in the Old Testament. Did you ever wonder why? And for that matter, why would God ask us to do something that is impossible? Why... Read more

 Why Sports Are So Popular

Why Sports Are So Popular
How ’bout them Cowboys! Brace yourself, because if you’re the average American this is going to offend you. We have watched organized sports become more and more popular over the last hundred... Read more

Words of Power

Words Of Power
When I was growing up, Christians were always arguing about what counts as a marriage. It’s a surprisingly complicated problem, since there is no Biblical definition of marriage, not one mention of... Read more

Good To Know

 “But God… I Was Deceived!”

Many will try to use this excuse in the coming judgment. But will that cut it? Will God buy it? WHOSE FAULT is it, if you are deceived? Will God hold YOU responsible? Let’s look at a few... Read more

A World Without Stealing

A World Without Stealing
Have you ever stopped to imagine what the world would be like if, tomorrow, there was no theft, of any kind? You probably assume it would be a better world, don’t you? Well, you’d be wrong. It... Read more

Afflict Your Souls At The Feasts

Traveller looking like he is in despair
We grew up believing that the feast was a joyous time. A time that pictured the millennium and the righteous reign of Christ on Earth. And having 15,000 people to celebrate the feast with, one week a... Read more

Anxiety And the Bible’s Cure For It

Anxiety And the Bible's Cure For It
A.K.A., The Wages Of Stress Is Death John 12:25 (GWV) Those who love their lives will destroy them, and those who hate their lives in this world will guard them for everlasting life. This, when... Read more

Are YOU An Atonement?

Did you know that YOU can be an atonement for someone – and that you SHOULDN’T be? Atonement is one of those complicated words that no one really understands. Most people sort of know it’s... Read more

 Bad Leaders Are YOUR FAULT!

A bored Roman emperor (Nero) has let himself be carried in a palanquin into the prison of an arena and looks at the prisoners (captive Christians). Above them are the lions they will soon be thrown to.
  Did you know that? You probably thought that you could just blame a corrupt minister, an incumbent politician, or someone else, anyone else, for whatever was wrong with the world, your church, or... Read more

Be Perfect!

Is it possible to truly BE PERFECT? Or can you only continually STRIVE towards perfection? As a human, is the very BEST you can do only considered “filthy rags” to God? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Matthew... Read more

Can Children Eat The Passover?

Child Eating Bread
God has very specific rules about just who may and may not eat the passover. Men are free to make up any thing they want to invent, based on emotion, and fuzzy feelings, but God has concrete rules... Read more

 Cheating On Your Taxes Is Sin!

Cheating On Your Taxes Is Sin!
  Are we obligated to pay taxes to a corrupt government? Despite the fact that taxes are unjust and administrated unfairly, should we pay taxes or should we refuse? Should we be scrupulously honest... Read more

 Christ Had a Sinful Nature!

Blue Box Man
  Christ had a sinful nature! Yes! His nature was just as vile and filthy as yours! Had you ever realized that? Most people think He was some “special” being, endowed with special powers and... Read more

Combs – The Mark Of The Beast, FOUND!

Combs - The Mark Of The Beast, FOUND!
Once upon a time, many years ago now, I discovered the Mark of the Beast. I found conclusive proof of just what this insidious mark is. And I was shocked, yes, terrified to discover that it is was... Read more

Did Christ Have Special Privileges?

Did Christ Have Special Privileges?
Often in conversation with someone, I’ll point out a scripture where Christ did something – calling someone a fool, for example (Matthew 23:19), or refusing to heal someone (Mark... Read more

Did You Realize… God NEEDS Satan?

Do you believe, like most of the world, that Satan is just a failed experiment, a creation of God that went sour, which God “accidentally” left in the garden of Eden? “OOOPS!”, said God –... Read more

Do The Jews Sit In Moses’ Seat Today?

Wooden Blue Chair
Matthew 23:1-3 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do;... Read more

 Do YOU Think His Yoke Is Easy?

Do YOU Think His Yoke Is Easy
  Matthew 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest... Read more

Do You Treat Your Employer Like God?

I see a lot of people treat their employer as a cash cow, or an ogre, or just a means to an end. They do what they have to do, what they are forced to do, and watch the clock and try to kill time... Read more

 Do You Trust Yourself?

It’s a fair question. You ask others to trust you on a daily basis – in fact, you get quite offended when they don’t. But in your heart of hearts, do you really trust yourself?... Read more

Does Motive Matter?

(By Crystal Holmes) Does motive matter? Does God care WHY you are righteous? Does He care if you are righteous because you want His blessings, or because you like being a part of a group, or because... Read more

Evening, Sundown, and Ben Ha Arbayim

Few words in the Bible have more mountains of paper written about them than this little word – the word “even”. It has been hopelessly cluttered up with opinions, pet doctrines, and... Read more

Except You See Signs…

Except You See Signs…
At what point did Jesus begin working miracles? The natural thought is at Cana, right? Since everyone knows that it was at Cana that He worked His first miracle at His mother’s behest. But when... Read more

 False Prophets In The World Today

  I think we may have misunderstood what God meant by false prophets in the Bible. We’ve had the idea that all false prophets were demon-possessed liars, bent on stubbornly rejecting the true... Read more

Giant Game of Hot and Cold

Did you ever play that children’s game? Where one person would hide something, and the other would say “hot” and “cold” depending on how close you were to your goal? And as you moved closer... Read more

 God HATES Love!

Yes, it’s true. What you’ve been taught by men today about love is a LIE, and God HATES IT! Understand, God doesn’t hate TRUE, GODLY love… As a matter of fact, He IS love (1 John... Read more

 God’s Mercy… Fails?

God’s Mercy… Fails?
God is merciful – almost to a fault. And anyone who knows anything knows that God’s mercy never fails. Psalm 136 says it 26 times. But you see… that’s misunderstood, and... Read more

How Dare You Not Know God’s Will!

“OH!!! If we ONLY KNEW God’s will! But we simply can’t!” If only I had a nickel for every time I’d heard that phrase! Heard it from the world, heard it from churchgoers, but... Read more

 HOW Does God Heal The Sick

HOW Does God Heal The Sick
HOW did God heal people? I mean the actual physics, the mechanics of WHAT HAPPENED in an arm that He healed, or a leper that He cleansed – HOW did He do it? What chemical reactions went on... Read more

How Does God Say No?

Quite often, when a person’s prayer goes unanswered, you’ll hear something like this “Well, I prayed for him, but he didn’t get well. I guess God said no”. Is this TRULY the CASE? OR is... Read more

How Old Is False Grace?

 All the Churches in the world today believe that Grace allows you to break the law of God without being punished for it. They teach that Jesus kept they law so that you don’t have... Read more

 How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience

How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience
If you’re the average Christian, your conscience is filthy. You have compromised with what you knew to be true on so many occasions that it has become “seared with a hot iron”. And that... Read more

How You Can Trust Yourself

How You Can Trust Yourself
In a preceding article I asked “Do You Trust Yourself” (Click to read it), and showed that you must if you ever intend to be in the Kingdom of God. But I neglected to cover in that... Read more

Is Dios God?

Millions of Spanish-speakers pray to Dios every day. Are these Christians just as Christian as those who pray to God? They read the same Bible, they keep the same observances; can you really say they... Read more

Is It OK To Steal From A Thief?

Let’s say, while you’re out of the house, your neighbor breaks into your house, and steals your TV. He installs it in his house, and you can see your TV in there when you get home that night. Is... Read more

 Is It Wrong To Ask For A Sign?

Well? What does God say about it? Most men say it’s tempting God to ask for a sign – but then most men think they’re going to float on a cloud playing a harp for eternity. So... Read more

 Is Man Basically Good?

Is Man Basically Good?
Everyone today seems to believe that Man is basically a good creature at heart. That there is good in the worst of us – even if there is bad in the best of us. Most people believe that if... Read more

 Just What Is Self-Righteousness?

What is the TRUE, BIBLICAL, definition of Self-Righteousness? Was Job self-righteous? Were the Pharisees? Is the concept even found in scripture? To begin with, the term “Self-Righteous”... Read more

 So, You Don’t Have The Time?

So, You Don’t Have The Time?
“I’d love to study more, but I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME!” “Oh, I wish I had the time to read the Bible all the way through, but I just don’t have time!” “I’d... Read more

 Speak The TRUTH In Your Heart!

Did you know that God commands everyone to speak what’s in their heart? Psalms 15 is something of a self-test chapter; it tells us just what qualifications a person whom God saves will have to... Read more

The Christian Cross Is Pagan!

This article has been updated with much new content and information. Please see our latest version in two parts: The True Cross and The False Cross. (By Crystal Holmes) That the cross is a Christian... Read more

The Days Of Releavened Bread

Israel was commanded to keep seven days of unleavened bread, during which they were neither to eat, nor possess, leavened bread (Exodus 12:15-20, Deuteronomy 16:3-4, etc.). But Israel did not have... Read more

The Diary Of Jesus

The Diary Of Jesus
As the “Jesus In Every Psalm” article showed, every word in the Psalms is a direct prophecy of a feeling or action expressed in Christ. Most of the Psalms were fulfilled by His physical... Read more

The Going Down Of The Sun

Sunset black sky
Deuteronomy 16:6 But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou... Read more

The History of Christmas

The History of Christmas
(By Crystal Holmes) It was a hard day at work, but Julius always rejoiced when coming home to his wife. And even more so now due to the sweet smells of cakes and cookies and the beautifully lit tree.... Read more

The Importance Of Disappointment

The Importance Of Disappointment
Let’s face it, we all came into the truth for the wrong reasons. We wanted a place of safety, we wanted blessings, we wanted a family; we didn’t follow the truth because of an innate love... Read more

The Lord Laid It On My Heart

(By Crystal Holmes) How does God lead His people? Is it laying something on their hearts? Is it by speaking to them directly? Is it by some other method? You might think you are pleasing to God... Read more

The Most Important Thing Is (Not) Family

The Most Important Thing Is (Not) Family
“The most important thing is family.” “Family always comes first.” “My family is my whole world.” The entire world, Christian and otherwise, believes these statements to be self-evidently... Read more

The Real Meaning of Valentine’s Day

(By Crystal Holmes) Cards, candies, roses, chocolate, candle-lit dinners, hearts… Every year millions of people exchange cards and give gifts to their beloved. But are these traditions the... Read more

The Real Origin of Easter

The Real Origin of Easter
(By Crystal Holmes) Acts 12:3-4. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) And when he had apprehended him, he put him... Read more

The REAL Reason for the Season!

(By Crystal Holmes) Christmas is PAGAN! That’s right! Christmas is PAGAN! It most certainly DOES NOT commemorate the birth of Christ! And, I can prove it! *Unless otherwise noted, my emphasis... Read more

The SIMPLE Truth About Prayer

1. THY WILL BE DONE? You should NEVER pray “Thy will be done” – it totally ROBS your prayer of it’s power! The first objection most people raise is “Well, in Luke... Read more

Three Baptisms – Which Do YOU Want?

Three Baptisms – Which Do YOU Want?
Salvation is in a sense about only one thing; cleaning you. The Bible uses washing many times to describe symbolically removing your sins. But there are several ways to do this, depending on you. God... Read more

Tolerance Is NOT Love!

Have you ever wondered WHY the Corinthians gloried? WHAT it was they did that they thought was worth being proud? Let’s read the story, just to get it clear… 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 It... Read more

Was The Last Supper A Passover Meal?

It is rather amazing that there is as much disagreement and division over this subject as there is; because any second-grader who believes the Bible can plainly see the answer, as you soon will. But... Read more

What Can *I* Do??

WHY are YOU here? How can YOU help – and what is it that you are supposed to be DOING anyway?? Mark 1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers... Read more

What Do The Bitter Herbs Represent?

Bitter herbs
What do the bitter herbs represent at the passover? According to Jewish tradition, bitter herbs like romaine lettuce and dandelion and horseradish were to be eaten at every passover service. But none... Read more

What Does It Take To Be Perfect?

I have said before – and correctly – that it is possible to be perfect. Otherwise God wouldn’t have commanded people to do it (Genesis 17:1, Deuteronomy 18:13, Matthew... Read more

What Is The “Hidden Manna”?

What Is The "Hidden Manna"?
Now and again you hear of the “hidden manna”. It’s one of those buzz-words that people toss around, usually in connection with some pet doctrine, perhaps about prophecy. In any case, it is... Read more

What Was Judas THINKING?

Did you ever wonder? Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Christ, was a PERSON. He had MOTIVES, and REASONS for what he did, just like you and I do when we sin. But what were they? What could... Read more

What Was The Mark Of Cain?

Genesis 4:15 … And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. What was this mark? I’ve heard lots of fanciful answers – usually based on which races the person... Read more

 What Was Wrong With The Pharisees?

What Was Wrong With The Pharisees
What was wrong with the Pharisees? Why did Christ condemn them? Was it for keeping the letter of the law? WHY would He condemn them for doing what HE, HIMSELF said? HE DIDN’T! He never condemned... Read more

 Which Is The Greatest Commandment?

Which Is The Greatest Commandment?
The world today has a completely skewed picture of justice. Even the churches, who are supposed to teach the law, have largely done away with it. But even those churches who teach that there is no... Read more

WHO ARE THE 144,000?

WHO ARE THE 144,000?
Revelation 14:1-5 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice... Read more

Who Are You?

Who Are You?
Where is your identity? What do you think of when you think “me”? If you have to describe yourself, where do you start? What would crush you the most if you were to lose it? Most people define... Read more

Who’s To Blame For All The Evil?

There are a great many things responsible for the evils in this world. There are hundreds of organizations whose sole purpose it seems is to destroy health, happiness, and freedom for mankind. One... Read more

Whose Sin Caused Your Sickness?

John 9:1-3 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, WHO DID SIN, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus... Read more

Why Did God Invent The Church?

Why did God create the church? What was its intended purpose? What SHOULD it have become, had it had perfect leadership who properly and impartially enforced the Law of God amongst the membership?... Read more

Why Did Jesus Die At 3pm?

This article is a little technical; if you’re just getting into the truth, I wouldn’t start with this article. But for those of you who don’t know the argument, the Bible says that... Read more

Why Do We Dream

What are dreams? Where do they come from? Can you control them? Why did God design man – and the animals – so that they could dream? What possible purpose could they serve in the plan of God?... Read more

Why Does God Put Up With You?

Do you still exist because of your service to God, because you are special to Him… or has God let you live because He feels sorry for you? God can work with many people. He can answer the prayers... Read more

 Why Doesn’t God FORCE Man To Obey?

“If there IS a God, and if He DOES care how men act, why doesn’t He just MAKE men obey Him?” “If these rules of His are so all-fired important to Him, why is He allowing men to break them?... Read more

Why Hasn’t God Given You More Faith?

Why Hasn’t God Given You More Faith?
“Lord, increase our faith!” cry many hapless Christians today. They simply can’t understand why God hasn’t given them more faith, and they want more! But they go about getting it all wrong!... Read more

Why Is God Doing This To Me?

Do you REALLY want to know? REALLY? Are you really READY to end the trial – are you tired of the suffering and misery in your life? You can! But it’s not free! IF you are really ready to... Read more

Will Jews Be Saved?

Many people wonder – will Jews be saved? They suppose that since the Bible says that “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22), you can be either a Christian or a Jew and be saved. But does this... Read more

Would Jesus Agree to Disagree?

(By Crystal Holmes) Agree to disagree? Keep the lines of communication open – even at the cost of the truth? I think not. The only time Jesus held His peace was before the high priest at... Read more

Would You Question God?

Would You Question God?
Most people are afraid of God. No, let me rephrase that. They are not afraid OF God… they are afraid God is unfair! The FEAR of the LORD, the fear to DISOBEY the Lord, is a good thing. But... Read more


Did you realize that? Did you know that YOU are the one who destroyed what little faith you might have ever had? That IS where the Bible says the blame lays. You might have been taught that it was... Read more

With Audio

 “But God… I Was Deceived!”

Many will try to use this excuse in the coming judgment. But will that cut it? Will God buy it? WHOSE FAULT is it, if you are deceived? Will God hold YOU responsible? Let’s look at a few... Read more

 “Why Did God Make Me?”

Have you ever asked the question… “Why did God make me?” Do you really want to know WHY you were born? What the grand, cosmic purpose of YOUR existence is? Well, I’ll tell... Read more

 Bad Leaders Are YOUR FAULT!

A bored Roman emperor (Nero) has let himself be carried in a palanquin into the prison of an arena and looks at the prisoners (captive Christians). Above them are the lions they will soon be thrown to.
  Did you know that? You probably thought that you could just blame a corrupt minister, an incumbent politician, or someone else, anyone else, for whatever was wrong with the world, your church, or... Read more

 Can ALL These Churches Be Wrong?

One of the first questions that pops up when I explain to someone that Christmas is pagan, that the resurrection was not on Sunday morning, or that God doesn’t go to church on Sunday, is... Read more

 Cheating On Your Taxes Is Sin!

Cheating On Your Taxes Is Sin!
  Are we obligated to pay taxes to a corrupt government? Despite the fact that taxes are unjust and administrated unfairly, should we pay taxes or should we refuse? Should we be scrupulously honest... Read more

 Christ Had a Sinful Nature!

Blue Box Man
  Christ had a sinful nature! Yes! His nature was just as vile and filthy as yours! Had you ever realized that? Most people think He was some “special” being, endowed with special powers and... Read more

 Christian Vampires

Christian Vampires
Throughout history followers of God have always been accused of horrible atrocities; rumors spread by those who half-understood and fully hated the Christians and the Israelites before them. This is... Read more

 Do You Know The Lord?

  Friend, have you been saved? Do you LOVE JESUS? You do? That’s wonderful! Do you KNOW THE LORD?? Yes? That’s terrific! Do you keep His Ten Commandments? What? You DON’T?? Oh... Read more

 Do YOU Think His Yoke Is Easy?

Do YOU Think His Yoke Is Easy
  Matthew 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest... Read more

 Do You Trust Yourself?

It’s a fair question. You ask others to trust you on a daily basis – in fact, you get quite offended when they don’t. But in your heart of hearts, do you really trust yourself?... Read more

 Does God Love All Men Equally?

People crossing lane
The churches in the world today almost UNIVERSALLY believe that God loves ALL MEN equally – showing no favoritism – AFTER ALL, they say, God is not a respecter of persons! What... Read more

 Don’t Tie Your Shoes!

We’ve all heard the story of Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. I think it behooves today’s church to examine their attitudes a bit. In Daniel 3, a giant golden idol... Read more

 False Prophets In The World Today

  I think we may have misunderstood what God meant by false prophets in the Bible. We’ve had the idea that all false prophets were demon-possessed liars, bent on stubbornly rejecting the true... Read more

 Finding The One True God

God. Allah. Buddha. Baal. Ashtoreth. Diana. Ra. Gaia. Whoever he or she is, your god defines who you are. Your god typifies everything that you aspire to be in life, and possesses all of the... Read more

 God Hates Dogs

God hates dogs
This shocking title is one of the easiest statements to prove from the Bible; and at the same time, one of the most offensive to your average person. Everyone loves dogs – loves them beyond... Read more

 God HATES Love!

Yes, it’s true. What you’ve been taught by men today about love is a LIE, and God HATES IT! Understand, God doesn’t hate TRUE, GODLY love… As a matter of fact, He IS love (1 John... Read more

 God Prophesied Stupidity!

God Prophesied Stupidity!
Over 2700 Years ago God prophesied that the world today would be stupid – incompetent! He prophesied that you would be double-billed by the phone company. That you would be sent the wrong... Read more

 God’s Mercy… Fails?

God’s Mercy… Fails?
God is merciful – almost to a fault. And anyone who knows anything knows that God’s mercy never fails. Psalm 136 says it 26 times. But you see… that’s misunderstood, and... Read more

 How Dare You Judge Me

How Dare You Judge Me
How dare you judge me! How DARE you judge me! The strident cry echoes throughout the halls of the modern day church. Everywhere the name of Christ is spoken, this ardent cry shrills against the... Read more

 HOW Does God Heal The Sick

HOW Does God Heal The Sick
HOW did God heal people? I mean the actual physics, the mechanics of WHAT HAPPENED in an arm that He healed, or a leper that He cleansed – HOW did He do it? What chemical reactions went on... Read more

 How Often Should We Eat Communion?

There are probably more opinions about this question than any other; some keep it whenever they feel like it; some do it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly; some in the morning, some in the... Read more

 How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience

How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience
If you’re the average Christian, your conscience is filthy. You have compromised with what you knew to be true on so many occasions that it has become “seared with a hot iron”. And that... Read more

 Is It Wrong To Ask For A Sign?

Well? What does God say about it? Most men say it’s tempting God to ask for a sign – but then most men think they’re going to float on a cloud playing a harp for eternity. So... Read more

 Is Man Basically Good?

Is Man Basically Good?
Everyone today seems to believe that Man is basically a good creature at heart. That there is good in the worst of us – even if there is bad in the best of us. Most people believe that if... Read more

 Just What Is Self-Righteousness?

What is the TRUE, BIBLICAL, definition of Self-Righteousness? Was Job self-righteous? Were the Pharisees? Is the concept even found in scripture? To begin with, the term “Self-Righteous”... Read more

 Moses: The First Commandment Breaker

I’ve often told the joke “Hey, who was the first person to break the commandments”, and I get various responses such as “Adam” or “Lucifer”. Then I told the punchline “No, Moses was... Read more

 Once Saved Is NOT Always Saved

“Can a Christian lose his salvation? Can a person once saved, having received God’s free gift of eternal life and having been born into the family of God, again return exactly and... Read more

 So, You Don’t Have The Time?

So, You Don’t Have The Time?
“I’d love to study more, but I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME!” “Oh, I wish I had the time to read the Bible all the way through, but I just don’t have time!” “I’d... Read more

 Speak The TRUTH In Your Heart!

Did you know that God commands everyone to speak what’s in their heart? Psalms 15 is something of a self-test chapter; it tells us just what qualifications a person whom God saves will have to... Read more

 The Bible Condemns Locks!

What does the Bible say about locks? Should you use them? Should you rely on God, but use “Common sense”? Had you ever asked these questions? Or had you just accepted that “The Lord... Read more

 The Evolution of Language

The Evolution of Language
According to what we’ve been taught in school, man started his communication by pointing at things and grunting, then developed different grunts for different things, and then spontaneously... Read more

 The Only Sin

I have committed, it seems, the only sin. The only REAL sin. At least, that’s what I gather from the people who disagree with me. I live in a world, as do you, where any sin can be forgiven. In... Read more

 The REAL Message Of Jonah

Did you know that the primary, if not SOLE purpose of the book of Jonah was to condemn patriotism? To condemn people who have “support our troops!” on their bumper sticker? That’s... Read more

 The Resurrection Was NOT On Sunday!

…And the crucifixion was NOT on good Friday! Those shocking words should stir up anger in any good Christian, and I hope they build a fire in you! You have grown up supposing that the Bible... Read more

 Was Paul A Saint?

Was Paul a saint? I don’t mean in the Biblical sense of the word saint, but more in the Catholic and Protestant sense of the word. See we are trained to picture the men of the Bible as... Read more

 Were YOU Predestined To Be Saved?

Were YOU predestined to be saved, before the world was? Did God plan a certain number of people, and prepare their souls, and then plan out their entire lives all the way up to resurrection as an... Read more

 What Color Was Adam?

What Color Was Adam?
This is a touchy subject; but touchy or not, it’s time we understood it. Let me state up front that if you think that any of the races are not children of God and don’t have an equal... Read more

 What Was Wrong With The Pharisees?

What Was Wrong With The Pharisees
What was wrong with the Pharisees? Why did Christ condemn them? Was it for keeping the letter of the law? WHY would He condemn them for doing what HE, HIMSELF said? HE DIDN’T! He never condemned... Read more

 Which Is The Greatest Commandment?

Which Is The Greatest Commandment?
The world today has a completely skewed picture of justice. Even the churches, who are supposed to teach the law, have largely done away with it. But even those churches who teach that there is no... Read more

 Why Doesn’t God FORCE Man To Obey?

“If there IS a God, and if He DOES care how men act, why doesn’t He just MAKE men obey Him?” “If these rules of His are so all-fired important to Him, why is He allowing men to break them?... Read more

 Why Sports Are So Popular

Why Sports Are So Popular
How ’bout them Cowboys! Brace yourself, because if you’re the average American this is going to offend you. We have watched organized sports become more and more popular over the last hundred... Read more

 You Are King!

You are King!
Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Sharks? Tornadoes, germs, lightning, thieves, bats? WHY?? Don’t you know that you are in CHARGE of them all? That God GAVE them to you?? Let’s get this... Read more