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Now that that question is settled, we can deal with some smaller and easier objections. For example, those who keep the 15th passover believe, of course, that the 15th is THE passover. That the 14th day of the month is not the passover, only the day on which the passover lamb was killed. So to them, the 14th is NOT the passover, in any way, and the 15th IS the passover, in every way.

So not to mention the proof in the first two chapters, this simple concept shoots that idea full of holes:

It is called the Passover because the death angel passed over on that day!

The whole REASON that the passover is called the passover is because that was when GOD PASSED OVER ISRAEL!

Exodus 12:26-27 And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service? That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD’S passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped.

The word pesach from which we get “passover” means literally “to pass over”. And God says He called it the passover because in that day He PASSED OVER the children of Israel WHEN He smote the Egyptians. Right? So, it’s called the passover because on that day God passed over them. Right?

I run that point into the ground because it makes the whole problem so easy to understand!

Numbers 28:16 And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the LORD.

This says that is the 14th day of the month is the Lord’s Passover! It says that the 14th IS the Lord’s passover! Some people would rather believe that only the passover is killed then, and it isn’t the passover, but here it says that the 14th IS the passover of the Lord!

But those people believe that the 15th is the passover of the Lord! So how do we know which is right? Well, the passover is called passover because that is the day when God passed over! So if God passed over Israel in the same night (Exodus 12:27) that He smote the Egyptians, then that means that that night IS the PASSOVER! And since God says that the 14th IS THE PASSOVER, then that can only mean that on the 14th, God passed over Israel!

The death angel didn’t pass over on the 15th, nor did it pass over on the “evening” of the 14th – it passed over at midnight! And EVERY TIME THE BIBLE mentions ANY day in connection with PASSOVER, ALL OF TWELVE TIMES IT SAYS IT IS THE 14th! And the SOLE REASON that the passover is CALLED the passover is that on the PASSOVER the DEATH ANGEL PASSED OVER – which was AT MIDNIGHT ON THE 14th!

How simple is that!

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