Part 15: CHOOSE

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Well, that’s basically every major objection out there about passover. There are a few smaller ones, and no paper, however comprehensive, can address them all, but this is enough – much, much more than enough – to show what the Bible says. Throughout this paper I have not ONCE asked you to believe it because I said so. Not ONCE have I quoted ANY historical or traditional evidence to support my point or explain the Bible. The Bible stands alone and does not need me or any other man to explain it.

The Bible is not complicated. It is not confusing, or hard to understand – IF you just listen to it, and not to the billions of voices out there clamoring to “help” you explain it. If you approach the Bible with a preconceived idea you will NEVER understand it. If you approach it trying to justify yourself or your church it will confuse you, frustrate you, and ultimately drive you insane if you persist. If you are trying to make the Bible fit what Josephus or Pope John Paul II said, you will never come close to understanding it. The Bible is a sealed, closed book to everyone who does those things.

1 Corinthians 8:2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

If, however, you approach the Bible with the attitude of a person who doesn’t know anything that is certain, and if you approach it as a man willing to question any belief, however dear, if it appears to contradict the Bible, you will find it the simplest book in the world to understand. God wrote the Bible so that it could be revealed unto children, but hidden from the wisest men on Earth.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast HID THESE THINGS FROM THE WISE and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

You don’t need a minister to explain the Bible to you. You don’t need me. You don’t need Matthew Henry’s Commentary. Those things can all point you in the right direction sometimes – but just as often they’ll point you in the wrong direction. To understand the Bible all you have to do is believe what it says.

Isaiah 66:2 ...but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, AND TREMBLETH AT MY WORD.

If you don’t FEAR to contradict God, and TREMBLE at the thought of ignoring scripture or rewriting it to suit your current whim, you CANNOT EVER understand the Bible, not if you memorized every manuscript of it from cover to cover in every original language! But if you just simply LISTEN to it, and trust it, and listen to men – ANY men – only so long as what they say lines up with the Bible... Then the Bible will be as easy to understand as Sesame Street. And much more interesting!

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