We have only three angels named in the Bible – Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, and a nameless “the prince of Greece”. We know that there are seven spirits of God – seven top... Read more
Twelve is a number used in the Bible repeatedly; only slightly less than God’s favorite seven. Now there are many books on numerology out there that will give you explanations for these... Read more
No one can read the Bible and not walk away knowing that the number seven is somehow special to God. Seven days of creation, seven thousand years in this age, seven years for a year of release, seven... Read more
[Abraham] introduced [the Egyptians] to arithmetic and transmitted to them the laws of astronomy. For before the coming of Abraham the Egyptians were ignorant of these sciences, which thus travelled... Read more
Most of the ancient world believed their gods were vaguely “above” them, and hell was “below” them. When the Earth is flat, this makes sense, and which particular direction above you... Read more
Does God exist? Billions today believe that He does, billions more believe that He doesn’t. But both sides BELIEVE! Either side they are on, they base their belief on an OPINION! On a FAITH... Read more
This question comes up often in relation to pre-flood geology and, for that matter, everyday life in Pre-delugian times. So, had it ever rained before the Flood? Or was the only precipitation a mist... Read more
If I were to ask you to open your Bible to the part that talks about the creation of the Earth, you’d probably open it to Genesis chapter 1. But it might shock you to learn that Genesis 1 does... Read more
There are two schools of thought in the world day, which together comprise the vast majority of people out there; scientists and believers. And these two groups are continually at odds with one... Read more
This is a touchy subject; but touchy or not, it’s time we understood it. Let me state up front that if you think that any of the races are not children of God and don’t have an equal... Read more