Tag: salvation

37 – 48 of 48 results (4 pages)

What Is The Baptism Of John?

What is it? And how Is the Baptism of John different from the baptism of Christ? Did you ever wonder? Why it is that John’s baptism came first? Why it didn’t come with the holy spirit?... Read more

 Do You Trust Yourself?

It’s a fair question. You ask others to trust you on a daily basis – in fact, you get quite offended when they don’t. But in your heart of hearts, do you really trust yourself?... Read more


First of all, let’s solve one simple argument. It’s pretty much a given that God is pretty smart. And therefore, God probably knows most of the languages on Earth. Ok, so He probably... Read more

Do You Treat Your Employer Like God?

I see a lot of people treat their employer as a cash cow, or an ogre, or just a means to an end. They do what they have to do, what they are forced to do, and watch the clock and try to kill time... Read more

 Do YOU Think His Yoke Is Easy?

Do YOU Think His Yoke Is Easy
  Matthew 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest... Read more

 Were YOU Predestined To Be Saved?

Were YOU predestined to be saved, before the world was? Did God plan a certain number of people, and prepare their souls, and then plan out their entire lives all the way up to resurrection as an... Read more

We Are NOT Under The Law!

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? The entire Christian world believes that it means that the Law – that is, the ten commandments – is done away, nailed to the cross, and that we are under... Read more

Is This The ONLY Day of Salvation?

“THIS IS THE ONLY DAY OF SALVATION!!” thunders the evangelist to his trembling parishioners! “If you’re not saved TODAY, YOU WILL BE LOST FOREVER!” he roars, as all the... Read more

Lazarus And The Rich Man

Lazarus and the rich man. A chilling story of a wicked man tortured in the fire and brimstone of hell for all eternity. A warning of what awaits all those who would reject the message of Jesus and... Read more