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Tag: salvation

21 to 30 of 44 results (5 pages)

Why Wouldn’t He?

Why Wouldn’t He?

YOU LACK FAITH. You know this is true. You may not like accepting it, but it is true. You know full well that you could have more faith that you do – probably a lot. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? If the answer is not a resounding yes – a YES that…

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What Can *I* Do??

WHY are YOU here? How can YOU help – and what is it that you are supposed to be DOING anyway?? Mark 1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. Everyone knows this scripture. But do you know…

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What Is The Symbolism Of Footwashing?

Anyone who has ever kept the passover has asked “what does footwashing represent?”. We drink the wine and eat the bread, and those symbols are well defined. But footwashing? It isn’t mentioned in Matthew, Mark or Luke, and John doesn’t tell…

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It’s Better To Be The Younger Brother

It’s Better To Be The Younger Brother

Having grown up as the youngest child, I have some experience with the life of a young sibling. Everyone says the baby has it easier than the older children do, but not too long ago I realized that the Bible has quite a bit to say on this subject….

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The Two Sacrifices Of Jesus

The Two Sacrifices Of Jesus

Few people realize it, but Jesus made two sacrifices; and it’s hard to say which is greater. Sadly, no one even knows about the first sacrifice. So let’s correct that shameful oversight. John 1:1-2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was…

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Finding The One True God (with audio)

God. Allah. Buddha. Baal. Ashtoreth. Diana. Ra. Gaia. Whoever he or she is, your god defines who you are. Your god typifies everything that you aspire to be in life, and possesses all of the attributes which you desire to make your own. You might…

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Should A Christian Fight?

Should A Christian Fight?

Joining the MILITARY SERVICE and GOING TO WAR IS A SIN! Have you ever asked yourself, what does GOD SAY about fighting in the military? What is your duty to your country? What IS your country? Why do wars happen? Where do they come from? SHOULD YOUR…

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Once Saved Is NOT Always Saved (with audio)

“Can a Christian lose his salvation? Can a person once saved, having received God’s free gift of eternal life and having been born into the family of God, again return exactly and completely to the position of being a lost and guilty…

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What Is The Book of Life? (Or Is It Books?)

What Is The Book of Life?

This is another one of those questions that explains the inner workings of reality and salvation on a level that is quite astounding. We tend to take the things we see in scripture at face value, and assign anything we don’t understand to…

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