Tag: salvation

13 – 24 of 47 results (4 pages)

 So, You Don’t Have The Time?

So, You Don’t Have The Time?
“I’d love to study more, but I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME!” “Oh, I wish I had the time to read the Bible all the way through, but I just don’t have time!” “I’d... Read more

How Dare You Not Know God’s Will!

“OH!!! If we ONLY KNEW God’s will! But we simply can’t!” If only I had a nickel for every time I’d heard that phrase! Heard it from the world, heard it from churchgoers, but... Read more

What Is The “Hidden Manna”?

What Is The "Hidden Manna"?
Now and again you hear of the “hidden manna”. It’s one of those buzz-words that people toss around, usually in connection with some pet doctrine, perhaps about prophecy. In any case, it is... Read more

Did You Realize… God NEEDS Satan?

Do you believe, like most of the world, that Satan is just a failed experiment, a creation of God that went sour, which God “accidentally” left in the garden of Eden? “OOOPS!”, said God –... Read more

Why Was Sinai Holy?

There is something I’ve always wondered; as you probably know, there are two places in the Bible that are called holy, from the very beginning, namely, Jerusalem and Sinai. So why are they Holy? Of... Read more

What Is The Lake Of Fire

What Is The Lake Of Fire
Everyone knows that the lake of fire burning with brimstone is the reward of the incorrigibly wicked. But do we really know what it is? Revelation is a book of symbols. Practically nothing in there... Read more

Will Jews Be Saved?

Many people wonder – will Jews be saved? They suppose that since the Bible says that “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22), you can be either a Christian or a Jew and be saved. But does this... Read more

The Roadmap To Immortality

If the churches in this world only knew! If they only knew HOW WRONG, how totally unscriptural most of their teachings were! And, standing out as a beacon above all of their errors is their teaching... Read more

Three Baptisms – Which Do YOU Want?

Three Baptisms – Which Do YOU Want?
Salvation is in a sense about only one thing; cleaning you. The Bible uses washing many times to describe symbolically removing your sins. But there are several ways to do this, depending on you. God... Read more

The Simple Truth About Grace

What is Grace? Is it, as you’ve probably always believed, favor? Favor which allows you to sin with impunity? Does GRACE do away with the law of God? It most certainly does not! You’re... Read more

Why Wouldn’t He?

Why Wouldn’t He?
YOU LACK FAITH. You know this is true. You may not like accepting it, but it is true. You know full well that you could have more faith that you do – probably a lot. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? If... Read more