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Tag: salvation

1 to 10 of 44 results (5 pages)

Old Bottles, Inc., A.K.A The End-Time Church Of God

Discarded bottle

Mark 2:21-22 No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the…

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Why Grape Juice Isn’t Good Enough At Passover


There is a doctrine floating around among those few churches that keep anything close to a passover service; a doctrine which says that for the passover service grape juice is just as good as, if not better than, wine. Now if a person chooses not to…

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Geography of Salvation – From Egypt to Sinai

Geography of Salvation – From Egypt to Sinai

Did you ever wonder why God didn’t just pick up Israel and put them in the promised land? I mean, if He wanted them there so bad, why go through all the trouble of getting Moses, arguing with Pharoah, and leading them out under the red sea,…

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Afflict Your Souls At The Feasts

Traveller looking like he is in despair

We grew up believing that the feast was a joyous time. A time that pictured the millennium and the righteous reign of Christ on Earth. And having 15,000 people to celebrate the feast with, one week a year when you “came out of the world”, and…

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Styx And Stones And Resurrected Bones


I am about to explain to you one of the most beautiful pieces of understanding I have ever received; I say beautiful because it ties together unexplained fragments of scripture to form a picture so epic, so broad that it staggers the mind. We all…

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Salvation of Angels

We are blinded. You are blinded. We look at the Bible and read what it says, and we think we see – but we don’t. An unimaginable trove of truth is hidden in plain sight on every page of your Bible, and you just can’t see…

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Saving Knowledge Kills

Saving Knowledge Kills

Do you have saving knowledge? Do you know everything you need to know to be saved? Nearly every Christian in the world just shouted a resounding “absolutely!” And all of them are dead in their sins. Because saving knowledge does not exist….

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Giant Game of Hot and Cold

Did you ever play that children’s game? Where one person would hide something, and the other would say “hot” and “cold” depending on how close you were to your goal? And as you moved closer you would hear things like “Warmer! Warmer! Red…

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Just Ask the Lord Jesus Into Your Heart?

(By Crystal Holmes) Mainstream “Christianity” today says, “If you just ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart, He’ll forgive your sins, and you’ll be saved.” It assumes, at minimum: (1) that God wants to come into your heart no…

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So, You Don’t Have The Time? (with audio)

So, You Don’t Have The Time?

“I’d love to study more, but I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME!” “Oh, I wish I had the time to read the Bible all the way through, but I just don’t have time!” “I’d have come to Bible study but I was soooo busy this…

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