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Tag: sacrifice

6 results

Haran The Hero

The first 11 chapters in the Bible cover roughly 2,000 years of Earth’s early history. Almost half of that is about Noah. The remaining 1178 chapters of the Bible are about Abraham, his children, and the promises God made to him. And yet about…

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Are YOU An Atonement?

Did you know that YOU can be an atonement for someone – and that you SHOULDN’T be? Atonement is one of those complicated words that no one really understands. Most people sort of know it’s something to do with God forgiving you, or a payment…

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How Often Should We Eat Communion? (with audio)

There are probably more opinions about this question than any other; some keep it whenever they feel like it; some do it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly; some in the morning, some in the evening; some use wine, some use grape juice; adding…

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The Two Sacrifices Of Jesus

The Two Sacrifices Of Jesus

Few people realize it, but Jesus made two sacrifices; and it’s hard to say which is greater. Sadly, no one even knows about the first sacrifice. So let’s correct that shameful oversight. John 1:1-2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was…

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Why is the blood reserved for God?

Why is the blood reserved for God?

Narrow-minded literalists would just say “well, He must know something we don’t – blood MUST be bad for you somehow!” … but that’s just cheating. Yes, God said not to do it and so we shouldn’t – but that doesn’t…

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Why Is The Fat Reserved For God?

Why Is The Fat Reserved For God?

We all know that God says that “the fat is mine” dozens of places in the Old Testament. Did you ever wonder why? And for that matter, why would God ask us to do something that is impossible? Why do I say impossible, you ask? Well, every piece of…

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