“Why are unclean meats unclean?” “God said so.” “Well why did He say so?” “Because He knows something we don’t.” “DUH! Is that the best you can do?” “Well … maybe it’s... Read more
What was wrong with the Pharisees? Why did Christ condemn them? Was it for keeping the letter of the law? WHY would He condemn them for doing what HE, HIMSELF said? HE DIDN’T! He never condemned... Read more
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. … What LOVE Jesus had for the people! What a selfless, caring man He was, to have an attitude of forgiveness for... Read more
God. Allah. Buddha. Baal. Ashtoreth. Diana. Ra. Gaia. Whoever he or she is, your god defines who you are. Your god typifies everything that you aspire to be in life, and possesses all of the... Read more
Joining the MILITARY SERVICE and GOING TO WAR IS A SIN! Have you ever asked yourself, what does GOD SAY about fighting in the military? What is your duty to your country? What IS your country? Why do... Read more
Everyone today seems to believe that Man is basically a good creature at heart. That there is good in the worst of us – even if there is bad in the best of us. Most people believe that if... Read more
“Can a Christian lose his salvation? Can a person once saved, having received God’s free gift of eternal life and having been born into the family of God, again return exactly and... Read more
At what point did Jesus begin working miracles? The natural thought is at Cana, right? Since everyone knows that it was at Cana that He worked His first miracle at His mother’s behest. But when... Read more
This is another one of those questions that explains the inner workings of reality and salvation on a level that is quite astounding. We tend to take the things we see in scripture at face value, and... Read more
Everyone knows that the bible teaches about Faith. And you also know that the Creator of the universe has promised to answer your prayers. Quickly, and dramatically. To quote just two scriptures:... Read more
“The Ten Commandments can’t save you, you know! After all, we’re saved by GRACE, not the law!” “Yes, I know it’s a sin to work on Saturday, but let’s face... Read more
“Lord, increase our faith!” cry many hapless Christians today. They simply can’t understand why God hasn’t given them more faith, and they want more! But they go about getting it all wrong!... Read more