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The Roadmap To Immortality

If the churches in this world only knew! If they only knew HOW WRONG, how totally unscriptural most of their teachings were! And, standing out as a beacon above all of their errors is their teaching on LOVE LOVE is a magical word which seems to fix…

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WHO ARE THE 144,000?

WHO ARE THE 144,000?

Revelation 14:1-5 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as…

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Why Wouldn’t He?

Why Wouldn’t He?

YOU LACK FAITH. You know this is true. You may not like accepting it, but it is true. You know full well that you could have more faith that you do – probably a lot. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? If the answer is not a resounding yes – a YES that…

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False Prophets In The World Today (with audio)

  I think we may have misunderstood what God meant by false prophets in the Bible. We’ve had the idea that all false prophets were demon-possessed liars, bent on stubbornly rejecting the true prophets and killing them. The problem with…

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You Are King! (with audio)

You are King!

Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Sharks? Tornadoes, germs, lightning, thieves, bats? WHY?? Don’t you know that you are in CHARGE of them all? That God GAVE them to you?? Let’s get this straight right now. YOU ARE KING! They are all…

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The SIMPLE Truth About Prayer

1. THY WILL BE DONE? You should NEVER pray “Thy will be done” – it totally ROBS your prayer of it’s power! The first objection most people raise is “Well, in Luke 11:2 Christ TELLS us to pray “Thy will be…

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The Last Test Is Success

The Last Test Is Success

Picture yourself. Thousands of years in the future, a king and priest in the family of God. Endowed with the nature and power of God, second in rank only to God the Father. You will be worshiped, and you will have every right to that worship. God…

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Just What Is Self-Righteousness? (with audio)

What is the TRUE, BIBLICAL, definition of Self-Righteousness? Was Job self-righteous? Were the Pharisees? Is the concept even found in scripture? To begin with, the term “Self-Righteous” is not to be found in the Bible – it simply…

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Which Is The Greatest Commandment? (with audio)

Which Is The Greatest Commandment?

The world today has a completely skewed picture of justice. Even the churches, who are supposed to teach the law, have largely done away with it. But even those churches who teach that there is no obligation to keep any divine law still understand…

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