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Tag: responsibility

31 to 36 of 36 results (4 pages)

Why Doesn’t God FORCE Man To Obey? (with audio)

“If there IS a God, and if He DOES care how men act, why doesn’t He just MAKE men obey Him?” “If these rules of His are so all-fired important to Him, why is He allowing men to break them? Why not just FORCE all mankind to obey His laws?”…

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What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Your life is MEANINGLESS! Your life HAS NO PURPOSE! No direction, no place to go – nothing of VALUE to LOOK FORWARD TO! Do you want to FIX THAT? Do you want to UNDERSTAND why, and CHANGE IT? Do you want to feel CONTENTED, FULFILLED, SATISFIED,…

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Did you realize that? Did you know that YOU are the one who destroyed what little faith you might have ever had? That IS where the Bible says the blame lays. You might have been taught that it was God’s job to just GIVE you faith! But that…

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Who’s To Blame For All The Evil?

There are a great many things responsible for the evils in this world. There are hundreds of organizations whose sole purpose it seems is to destroy health, happiness, and freedom for mankind. One may hardly take a step without stumbling over…

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How Dare You Judge Me (with audio)

How Dare You Judge Me

How dare you judge me! How DARE you judge me! The strident cry echoes throughout the halls of the modern day church. Everywhere the name of Christ is spoken, this ardent cry shrills against the injustice of condemnation.It’s time you heard…

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Why Do We Dream

What are dreams? Where do they come from? Can you control them? Why did God design man – and the animals – so that they could dream? What possible purpose could they serve in the plan of God? Everyone has probably thought about a few of these…

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