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Why Does God Put Up With You?

Do you still exist because of your service to God, because you are special to Him… or has God let you live because He feels sorry for you? God can work with many people. He can answer the prayers of many people, and at many levels of…

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So, You Don’t Have The Time? (with audio)

So, You Don’t Have The Time?

“I’d love to study more, but I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME!” “Oh, I wish I had the time to read the Bible all the way through, but I just don’t have time!” “I’d have come to Bible study but I was soooo…

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How Dare You Not Know God’s Will!

“OH!!! If we ONLY KNEW God’s will! But we simply can’t!” If only I had a nickel for every time I’d heard that phrase! Heard it from the world, heard it from churchgoers, but mostly, heard it from ministers in the Church…

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Is “Mister” Christian?

Is Calling Someone “Mister”, Christian? Why does the whole world insist on this custom? Is this the way of showing true respect to an elder? Should YOU use the term “Mr.”? What does your BIBLE…

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What Is The Symbolism Of Oil?

I’ve always heard that oil in the Bible represented the holy spirit. And it has always fit – more or less – and so I’ve used it here and there. But I’ve never trusted it. It always felt like it was close, but… wrong….

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Speak The TRUTH In Your Heart! (with audio)

Did you know that God commands everyone to speak what’s in their heart? Psalms 15 is something of a self-test chapter; it tells us just what qualifications a person whom God saves will have to have, in order to be a part of His Kingdom. And…

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The Importance Of Disappointment

The Importance Of Disappointment

Let’s face it, we all came into the truth for the wrong reasons. We wanted a place of safety, we wanted blessings, we wanted a family; we didn’t follow the truth because of an innate love of God or truth or goodness; we came because in…

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You Are King! (with audio)

You are King!

Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Sharks? Tornadoes, germs, lightning, thieves, bats? WHY?? Don’t you know that you are in CHARGE of them all? That God GAVE them to you?? Let’s get this straight right now. YOU ARE KING! They are all…

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What Can *I* Do??

WHY are YOU here? How can YOU help – and what is it that you are supposed to be DOING anyway?? Mark 1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. Everyone knows this scripture. But do you know…

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What Was The Mark Of Cain?

Genesis 4:15 … And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.What was this mark? I’ve heard lots of fanciful answers – usually based on which races the person answering didn’t like the most –…

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