Most people are afraid of God. No, let me rephrase that. They are not afraid OF God… they are afraid God is unfair! The FEAR of the LORD, the fear to DISOBEY the Lord, is a good thing. But that’s not what I mean. They fear that God is…
Read moreMost people are afraid of God. No, let me rephrase that. They are not afraid OF God… they are afraid God is unfair! The FEAR of the LORD, the fear to DISOBEY the Lord, is a good thing. But that’s not what I mean. They fear that God is…
Read moreDid you know that God commands everyone to speak what’s in their heart? Psalms 15 is something of a self-test chapter; it tells us just what qualifications a person whom God saves will have to have, in order to be a part of His Kingdom. And…
Read moreWas Paul a saint? I don’t mean in the Biblical sense of the word saint, but more in the Catholic and Protestant sense of the word. See we are trained to picture the men of the Bible as supermen; people who were above our weaknesses, superior…
Read moreDid you know that the primary, if not SOLE purpose of the book of Jonah was to condemn patriotism? To condemn people who have “support our troops!” on their bumper sticker? That’s not a message you’ve heard before! But it IS…
Read moreWhat is the TRUE, BIBLICAL, definition of Self-Righteousness? Was Job self-righteous? Were the Pharisees? Is the concept even found in scripture? To begin with, the term “Self-Righteous” is not to be found in the Bible – it simply…
Read moreI’ve often told the joke “Hey, who was the first person to break the commandments”, and I get various responses such as “Adam” or “Lucifer”. Then I told the punchline “No, Moses was the first person – he walked off Mt. Sinai and…
Read moreGenesis 4:15 … And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. What was this mark? I’ve heard lots of fanciful answers – usually based on which races the person answering didn’t like the most – but no BIBLE…
Read moreHaving grown up as the youngest child, I have some experience with the life of a young sibling. Everyone says the baby has it easier than the older children do, but not too long ago I realized that the Bible has quite a bit to say on this subject….
Read moreDid you ever wonder? Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Christ, was a PERSON. He had MOTIVES, and REASONS for what he did, just like you and I do when we sin. But what were they? What could POSSIBLY have motivated him to betray his friend and…
Read moreWhat was wrong with the Pharisees? Why did Christ condemn them? Was it for keeping the letter of the law? WHY would He condemn them for doing what HE, HIMSELF said? HE DIDN’T! He never condemned them for the righteous things they did! Matthew…
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