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The Simple Truth About The Millennium


What Is The Purpose Of The Millennium? What did God have in mind? Why did He design the plan THIS way – why a millennium? Why not a century – or a decade? God’s plan has been to give man 6000 years to govern himself,…

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Significance Of Twelve

Twelve O'clock

Twelve is a number used in the Bible repeatedly; only slightly less than God’s favorite seven. Now there are many books on numerology out there that will give you explanations for these numbers – explanations that they made up. Yes,…

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Geography of Salvation – From Egypt to Sinai

Geography of Salvation – From Egypt to Sinai

Did you ever wonder why God didn’t just pick up Israel and put them in the promised land? I mean, if He wanted them there so bad, why go through all the trouble of getting Moses, arguing with Pharoah, and leading them out under the red sea,…

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The TRUE Plan of the Holy Days

The TRUE Plan of the Holy Days

What are the holy days? What do they represent? I’ve heard many interpretations of the holy days – some more lucid than others – but nothing that made a PACKAGE. Nothing that made complete sense out of ALL of them. It has…

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Afflict Your Souls At The Feasts

Traveller looking like he is in despair

We grew up believing that the feast was a joyous time. A time that pictured the millennium and the righteous reign of Christ on Earth. And having 15,000 people to celebrate the feast with, one week a year when you “came out of the world”, and…

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Christ Courting The Church

Figurine of boy and girl

Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto…

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Styx And Stones And Resurrected Bones


I am about to explain to you one of the most beautiful pieces of understanding I have ever received; I say beautiful because it ties together unexplained fragments of scripture to form a picture so epic, so broad that it staggers the mind. We all…

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Is It I? The Judas Story

Is It I? The Judas Story

Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts. Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. These verses are basically identical, except that the…

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Goal Of Life

Goal Of Life

All life has one ultimate goal: to reproduce. They struggle to survive, but in the end, all life puts reproduction above all other things – sacrificing themselves for their offspring, if necessary. Consider the journey of the salmon; a…

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