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Is Dios God?

Millions of Spanish-speakers pray to Dios every day. Are these Christians just as Christian as those who pray to God? They read the same Bible, they keep the same observances; can you really say they are different, simply because the Spanish word…

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Symbolism of Saul, Satan, And Samuel

1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Paul had just gone through some things about Exodus and the rebellious Israelites…

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Where Is Heaven?

Most of the ancient world believed their gods were vaguely “above” them, and hell was “below” them. When the Earth is flat, this makes sense, and which particular direction above you doesn’t matter much – if you look up, you’ll…

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God HATES Love! (with audio)

Yes, it’s true. What you’ve been taught by men today about love is a LIE, and God HATES IT! Understand, God doesn’t hate TRUE, GODLY love… As a matter of fact, He IS love (1 John 4:8) – but He hates DEAD love! Allow me to explain…

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Is God A Trinity?

Is God A Trinity?

The word “trinity” does not appear in the Bible. And yet denying the trinity is the #1 definition of a cult. Does that make sense? The way the term is used in casual literature and sermons we are given the impression that the trinity is spoken…

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God Hates Dogs (with audio)

God hates dogs

This shocking title is one of the easiest statements to prove from the Bible; and at the same time, one of the most offensive to your average person. Everyone loves dogs – loves them beyond measure or reason. Yet God hates them. But before I…

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God’s Mercy… Fails? (with audio)

God’s Mercy… Fails?

God is merciful – almost to a fault. And anyone who knows anything knows that God’s mercy never fails. Psalm 136 says it 26 times. But you see… that’s misunderstood, and those people are wrong. God’s mercy DOES fail.To…

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God Versus The Scientific Process

God Versus The Scientific Process

There are two schools of thought in the world day, which together comprise the vast majority of people out there; scientists and believers. And these two groups are continually at odds with one another. The scientists demand proof of facts –…

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First of all, let’s solve one simple argument. It’s pretty much a given that God is pretty smart. And therefore, God probably knows most of the languages on Earth. Ok, so He probably knows all of them. So we can assume that God speaks…

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“Why Did God Make Me?” (with audio)

Have you ever asked the question… “Why did God make me?” Do you really want to know WHY you were born? What the grand, cosmic purpose of YOUR existence is? Well, I’ll tell you. You were born to be God. Yes, a child of God who…

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