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How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience (with audio)

How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience

If you’re the average Christian, your conscience is filthy. You have compromised with what you knew to be true on so many occasions that it has become “seared with a hot iron”. And that corrupted conscience, and that alone, is what…

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The Roadmap To Immortality

If the churches in this world only knew! If they only knew HOW WRONG, how totally unscriptural most of their teachings were! And, standing out as a beacon above all of their errors is their teaching on LOVE LOVE is a magical word which seems to fix…

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Is It Wrong To Ask For A Sign? (with audio)

Well? What does God say about it? Most men say it’s tempting God to ask for a sign – but then most men think they’re going to float on a cloud playing a harp for eternity. So what IS tempting God, and it is wrong to ask Him for a…

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God Prophesied Stupidity! (with audio)

God Prophesied Stupidity!

Over 2700 Years ago God prophesied that the world today would be stupid – incompetent! He prophesied that you would be double-billed by the phone company. That you would be sent the wrong product in the mail. That your mechanic would not know…

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The Simple Truth About Grace

What is Grace? Is it, as you’ve probably always believed, favor? Favor which allows you to sin with impunity? Does GRACE do away with the law of God? It most certainly does not! You’re about to read the SIMPLE TRUTH of WHAT GRACE IS, How…

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Why Wouldn’t He?

Why Wouldn’t He?

YOU LACK FAITH. You know this is true. You may not like accepting it, but it is true. You know full well that you could have more faith that you do – probably a lot. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? If the answer is not a resounding yes – a YES that…

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You Are King! (with audio)

You are King!

Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Sharks? Tornadoes, germs, lightning, thieves, bats? WHY?? Don’t you know that you are in CHARGE of them all? That God GAVE them to you?? Let’s get this straight right now. YOU ARE KING! They are all…

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The SIMPLE Truth About Prayer

1. THY WILL BE DONE? You should NEVER pray “Thy will be done” – it totally ROBS your prayer of it’s power! The first objection most people raise is “Well, in Luke 11:2 Christ TELLS us to pray “Thy will be…

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The SHOCKING Truth About Prayer

The SHOCKING Truth About Prayer

Prayer – the only verbal contact you have with God. And yet, most people totally destroy their prayers! They rob their prayers of the POWER they should have by ignoring the GRAVITY of the enormous responsibility they bear when praying! Prayer…

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Which Bible Is Correct?

Which Bible Is Correct?

How can you know WHICH Bible is correct? We have all sorts of versions out there – KJV, NIV, ASV, RSV, and quite literally hundreds of others – but which should you read? Does it matter? What’s the difference? Setting aside for the…

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