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Tag: devil

5 results

What Was That Brazen Serpent About, Anyway?

What Was That Brazen Serpent About, Anyway?

You know, one of the most inexplicable things in the Bible is that little incident in the Old Testament where God commanded Moses to make a brass statue of a snake, of all things, to heal the people. It came about like this. God had had it up to…

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A Battle With Satan… Or The Judgment Of God?

A Battle With Satan... Or The Judgment Of God?

Are you fighting Satan… or resisting God? When you receive a trial, when a demon troubles you, or when something just goes wrong… is it Satan doing it, or God? Can Satan hassle just anyone? For that matter, WHY do the demons even exist?…

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The Real Meaning Of The Devil’s Doctrines

What is the purpose of Doctrine? Of every doctrine you hold dear, from “thou shalt not steal” to the crucifixion, to Baptism? The bottom, underlying purpose that ties all of these scattered, seemingly unconnected doctrines into one…

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Why Did Satan Fall? (The Biography Of The Devil)

Why Did Satan Fall? (The Biography Of The Devil)

Why did Satan fall? Didn’t you ever wonder? Oh I know, the Bible says his pride lifted Him up, but WHY? Why wasn’t he satisfied where he was? For that matter, where WAS he? And what did he hope to gain by being “Like the most High”? These…

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