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Combs – The Mark Of The Beast, FOUND!

Combs - The Mark Of The Beast, FOUND!

Once upon a time, many years ago now, I discovered the Mark of the Beast. I found conclusive proof of just what this insidious mark is. And I was shocked, yes, terrified to discover that it is was not only in my house, but in the houses of all my…

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False Prophets In The World Today (with audio)

  I think we may have misunderstood what God meant by false prophets in the Bible. We’ve had the idea that all false prophets were demon-possessed liars, bent on stubbornly rejecting the true prophets and killing them. The problem with…

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Was Paul A Saint? (with audio)

Was Paul a saint? I don’t mean in the Biblical sense of the word saint, but more in the Catholic and Protestant sense of the word. See we are trained to picture the men of the Bible as supermen; people who were above our weaknesses, superior…

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Just What Is Self-Righteousness? (with audio)

What is the TRUE, BIBLICAL, definition of Self-Righteousness? Was Job self-righteous? Were the Pharisees? Is the concept even found in scripture? To begin with, the term “Self-Righteous” is not to be found in the Bible – it simply…

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What Was The Mark Of Cain?

Genesis 4:15 … And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.What was this mark? I’ve heard lots of fanciful answers – usually based on which races the person answering didn’t like the most –…

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Why Did Satan Fall? (The Biography Of The Devil)

Why Did Satan Fall? (The Biography Of The Devil)

Why did Satan fall? Didn’t you ever wonder? Oh I know, the Bible says his pride lifted Him up, but WHY? Why wasn’t he satisfied where he was? For that matter, where WAS he? And what did he hope to gain by being “Like the most…

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The Unknown (Third) Commandment

The Unknown (Third) Commandment

Most of the commandments are pretty clear; don’t steal. Don’t lie. Don’t worship idols. Don’t worship other gods. Some seem more important than others and some are easier to follow than others – but there is one that no…

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How To Detect The Spirit Of God

There has always been a problem in the true church of God. How do you know who is a part of the church and who isn’t? Something that can draw a line between someone who believes everything God says but doesn’t keep Saturday? Or keeps all…

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Finding The One True God (with audio)

God. Allah. Buddha. Baal. Ashtoreth. Diana. Ra. Gaia. Whoever he or she is, your god defines who you are. Your god typifies everything that you aspire to be in life, and possesses all of the attributes which you desire to make your own. You might…

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Once Saved Is NOT Always Saved (with audio)

“Can a Christian lose his salvation? Can a person once saved, having received God’s free gift of eternal life and having been born into the family of God, again return exactly and completely to the position of being a lost and guilty…

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