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Why Did God Invent The Church?

Why did God create the church? What was its intended purpose? What SHOULD it have become, had it had perfect leadership who properly and impartially enforced the Law of God amongst the membership? Now, I’m not talking about the spiritual body of…

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Revelation’s Church Eras – Explained!

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, in chapters 2 and 3, there are letters addressed to seven ancient churches in Asia Minor – modern Turkey. Now most modern churches ignore prophecy altogether, the others obsess about it so much that they…

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Bad Leaders Are YOUR FAULT! (with audio)

Rotten leaf top

  Did you know that? You probably thought that you could just blame a corrupt minister, an incumbent politician, or someone else, anyone else, for whatever was wrong with the world, your church, or even your family didn’t you? Well, let…

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What Was The Mark Of Cain?

Genesis 4:15 … And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.What was this mark? I’ve heard lots of fanciful answers – usually based on which races the person answering didn’t like the most –…

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Where is your identity? What do you think of when you think “me”? If you have to describe yourself, where do you start? What would crush you the most if you were to lose it? Most people define themselves by their “stuff”. In…

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Why Sports Are So Popular (with audio)

Why Sports Are So Popular

How ’bout them Cowboys! Brace yourself, because if you’re the average American this is going to offend you. We have watched organized sports become more and more popular over the last hundred years; first Basketball, then Baseball, Football, the…

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Can ALL These Churches Be Wrong? (with audio)

One of the first questions that pops up when I explain to someone that Christmas is pagan, that the resurrection was not on Sunday morning, or that God doesn’t go to church on Sunday, is “But… can all these churches be…

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