Tag: carnal heart

13 – 24 of 28 results (3 pages)

The KEY to the Book of Romans

The KEY to the Book of Romans
The book of Romans has probably been responsible for more misunderstandings than any other book ever written; not excepting revelation. The book of Romans IS confusing. Let’s take this passage... Read more

Who Are You?

Who Are You?
Where is your identity? What do you think of when you think “me”? If you have to describe yourself, where do you start? What would crush you the most if you were to lose it? Most people define... Read more

 Is Man Basically Good?

Is Man Basically Good?
Everyone today seems to believe that Man is basically a good creature at heart. That there is good in the worst of us – even if there is bad in the best of us. Most people believe that if... Read more

What Does It Take To Be Perfect?

I have said before – and correctly – that it is possible to be perfect. Otherwise God wouldn’t have commanded people to do it (Genesis 17:1, Deuteronomy 18:13, Matthew... Read more

Why Did Jesus Become A Man?

Man at the end of a tunnel
You’ve heard since your earliest memories of religion why Jesus came. Did you know that what little you heard that wasn’t wrong, wasn’t half the story? Yes, Jesus came to die for our sins, yes... Read more

 Why Doesn’t God FORCE Man To Obey?

“If there IS a God, and if He DOES care how men act, why doesn’t He just MAKE men obey Him?” “If these rules of His are so all-fired important to Him, why is He allowing men to break them?... Read more

 Why Sports Are So Popular

Why Sports Are So Popular
How ’bout them Cowboys! Brace yourself, because if you’re the average American this is going to offend you. We have watched organized sports become more and more popular over the last hundred... Read more

Who’s To Blame For All The Evil?

There are a great many things responsible for the evils in this world. There are hundreds of organizations whose sole purpose it seems is to destroy health, happiness, and freedom for mankind. One... Read more

Unlikely Things Jesus Did And Thought

Unlikely Things Jesus Did And Thought
We say we know someone when we have enough understanding of their basic behavior to build a composite that, to us, represents this person. In other words, we know how they acted the last 3 times we... Read more

 Do You Trust Yourself?

It’s a fair question. You ask others to trust you on a daily basis – in fact, you get quite offended when they don’t. But in your heart of hearts, do you really trust yourself?... Read more