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Tag: angels

11 to 16 of 16 results (2 pages)

Did You Realize… God NEEDS Satan?

Do you believe, like most of the world, that Satan is just a failed experiment, a creation of God that went sour, which God “accidentally” left in the garden of Eden? “OOOPS!”, said God – “I should have seen this coming! Now I’ll…

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Why Did Satan Fall? (The Biography Of The Devil)

Why Did Satan Fall? (The Biography Of The Devil)

Why did Satan fall? Didn’t you ever wonder? Oh I know, the Bible says his pride lifted Him up, but WHY? Why wasn’t he satisfied where he was? For that matter, where WAS he? And what did he hope to gain by being “Like the most High”? These…

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Book Report: 1984 by George Orwell

Have you ever asked yourself how the Devil feels about the plan of God? I mean, he is brilliant, clever, and has been around for a long time and has the Bible memorized. In fact, he was there when the Bible was written. So why does he hate it? What…

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Genesis 1 IS NOT The Original Creation!

Genesis 1 IS NOT The Original Creation!

If I were to ask you to open your Bible to the part that talks about the creation of the Earth, you’d probably open it to Genesis chapter 1. But it might shock you to learn that Genesis 1 does NOT talk about the creation of the Earth! Genesis…

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What Was Wrong With Job?

What Was Wrong With Job?

What was Job’s sin? Why did He have to go through such trials and tribulations? Was he proud and self-righteous? Or was it something else? Should we hold Job up as a warning to those who dare to say “I am righteous”, or as an EXAMPLE to those…

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