Bible Dates – 4000-Year Timeline From The Creation of Adam To The Death of Jesus

Below is a handy, printable reference guide to dates in the Bible. For a more detailed explanation, refer to the article Biblical Chronology – Solved At Last!. You can also check out our interactive chart that lays out this 4000-year timeline plus a lot more, available here. It is still in beta, so if you run into any problems, please let us know!

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When did God create Adam? 0 FC | 3970 BC
birth age when son was born
Adam 130
130 FC | 3840 BC Seth 105
235 FC | 3735 BC Enos 90
325 FC | 3645 BC Cainan 70
395 FC | 3575 BC Mahalaleel 65
460 FC | 3510 BC Jared 162
622 FC | 3348 BC Enoch 65
687 FC | 3283 BC Methuselah 187
874 FC | 3096 BC Lamech 182
1056 FC | 2914 BC Noah 502
When was the flood of Noah? 1656 FC | 2314 BC
1558 FC | 2412 BC Shem 100
1658 FC | 2312 BC Arphaxad 35
1693 FC | 2277 BC Shelah 30
1723 FC | 2247 BC Eber 34
1757 FC | 2213 BC Peleg 30
1787 FC | 2183 BC Reu 32
1819 FC | 2151 BC Serug 30
1849 FC | 2121 BC Nahor 29
1878 FC | 2092 BC Terah 70
1948 FC | 2022 BC Abraham
When was the Covenant of Faith? 2033 FC | 1937 BC
2033 FC | 1937 BC Abraham’s age during the Covenant 85
Covenant → Exodus 430
When did the Exodus take place? 2463 FC | 1507 BC
year duration
Wilderness 40
2503 FC | 1467 BC Joshua & Elders 37
2540 FC | 1430 BC Othniel 40
2580 FC | 1390 BC Ehud 80
2660 FC | 1310 BC Deborah & Barak 40
2700 FC | 1270 BC Gideon 40
2740 FC | 1230 BC Abimelech 3
2743 FC | 1227 BC Tola 23
2766 FC | 1204 BC Jair 22
2788 FC | 1182 BC Jephthah 6
2794 FC | 1176 BC Ibzan 7
2801 FC | 1169 BC Elon 10
2811 FC | 1159 BC Abdon 8
2819 FC | 1151 BC Samson 20
2839 FC | 1131 BC Death of Samson → Saul 20
2859 FC | 1111 BC Saul 40
2899 FC | 1071 BC David 40
2939 FC | 1031 BC Solomon’s 4th year 4
When did Solomon begin to build the temple? 2943 FC | 1027 BC
Solomon’s remaining years 36
When did Israel and Judah split? 2979 FC | 991 BC
Judah Israel
2979 FC | 991 BC Rehoboam 17 2979 FC | 991 BC Jeroboam 21
2996 FC | 974 BC Gap 1 3001 FC | 969 BC Nadab 1
2997 FC | 973 BC Abijam 2 3002 FC | 968 BC Baasha, Elah 1yr 24
2999 FC | 971 BC Asa 41 3026 FC | 944 BC Zimri, 4yr Gap 4
3040 FC | 930 BC Gap 1 3030 FC | 940 BC Omri 7
3041 FC | 929 BC Jehoshaphat 23 3037 FC | 933 BC Ahab 21
3064 FC | 906 BC Jehoram 6 3058 FC | 912 BC Ahaziah 1
3070 FC | 900 BC Ahaziah 1 3059 FC | 911 BC Jehoram 12
3071 FC | 899 BC Athaliah 7 3071 FC | 899 BC Jehu, 2yr Gap 30
3078 FC | 892 BC Joash 39 3101 FC | 869 BC Jehoahaz 14
3117 FC | 853 BC Amaziah 29 3115 FC | 855 BC Jehoash, 1yr Gap 17
3146 FC | 824 BC Gap 13 3132 FC | 838 BC Jeroboam II, 24yr Gap 65
3159 FC | 811 BC Azariah/ Uzziah 52 3197 FC | 773 BC Zachariah, Shallum 1
3211 FC | 759 BC Gap 2 3198 FC | 772 BC Menahem, 1yr Gap 11
3213 FC | 757 BC Jotham 15 3209 FC | 761 BC Pekahiah 2
3228 FC | 742 BC Ahaz 15 3211 FC | 759 BC Pekah, 10yr Gap 30
3243 FC | 727 BC Hezekiah 6 3240 FC | 730 BC Hoshea 9
When did Israel fall to Assyria? 3249 FC | 721 BC
Remaining yrs of Hezekiah 23
3272 FC | 698 BC Manasseh 55
3327 FC | 643 BC Amon 2
3329 FC | 641 BC Josiah 31
3360 FC | 610 BC Jehoahaz 0
3360 FC | 610 BC Jehoiakim 11
3371 FC | 599 BC Jehoiachin 1
3372 FC | 598 BC Zedekiah 11
When did Judah fall to Babylon? 3383 FC | 587 BC
3453 FC | 517 BC End of the 70 years of Jeremiah 70
70 years of Jeremiah → Decree of Artaxerxes 60
3513 FC | 457 BC 70 Week Prophesy 483
3996 FC | 27 AD The start of the 70th week 4
When did Jesus die? 4000 FC | 31 AD
TOTAL 4000
Creation → The Flood 1656
The Flood → Abraham 292
Abraham → Covenant of Faith 85
Covenant of Faith → Exodus 430
Wilderness 40
Judges 356
United Kingdom of Israel 120
Divided Kingdom of Israel and Judah 270
Remaining Kingdom: Judah 134
70 years of Jeremiah 70
70 years → Decree to rebuild Jerusalem 60
69 weeks (483 years) of the 70 weeks of Daniel 483
Midst of the 70th week 4
TOTAL 4000
Adam → Covenant of Faith 2033
Covenant of Faith → Exodus 430
Exodus → Began to build the temple 480
Began to build the temple → Destruction of the temple 440
Destruction of the temple → Decree to rebuild Jerusalem 130
Decree to rebuild Jerusalem → Destruction of “THE Temple” 487
TOTAL 4000

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