No one can read the Bible and not walk away knowing that the number seven is somehow special to God. Seven days of creation, seven thousand years in this age, seven years for a year of release, seven... Read more
We have all heard that Sin is bad. Sin is evil. Sin is despicable and odious and must be avoided at all costs. But I think we have misjudged Sin. I think we’ve given it a bad rap. Today, I want to... Read more
How exactly DO you love your enemies? Do you give the man coming at you with a knife a big hug? And how are you supposed to bless them that curse you? Just say “oh bless you, my children”... Read more
Frequently, people come up to me with the air of someone who is about to impart a dark secret, and half-whisper something like this “Did you know that there is ABSOLUTE PROOF that the government is... Read more
I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray, far from it. But prayer as understood by pretty much every Christian in the world is simply irrational. The average prayer goes something like this “Lord,... Read more
Picture yourself. Thousands of years in the future, a king and priest in the family of God. Endowed with the nature and power of God, second in rank only to God the Father. You will be worshiped, and... Read more
Genesis 4:15 … And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. What was this mark? I’ve heard lots of fanciful answers – usually based on which races the person... Read more
We all know that God says that “the fat is mine” dozens of places in the Old Testament. Did you ever wonder why? And for that matter, why would God ask us to do something that is impossible? Why... Read more
The golden censer was placed in front of the veil, outside the holy of holies. Every morning and evening Aaron burns incense on it. Nothing else is to be offered on it except incense, and once a year... Read more
Many people wonder – will Jews be saved? They suppose that since the Bible says that “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22), you can be either a Christian or a Jew and be saved. But does this... Read more
Like most of the Old Testament, Rachel and the people around her were just examples for us; written for our admonition, as Paul informs us (1 Corinthians 10:11). To unravel this particular one... Read more
Prayer – the only verbal contact you have with God. And yet, most people totally destroy their prayers! They rob their prayers of the POWER they should have by ignoring the GRAVITY of the... Read more