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The Christian Cross Is Pagan!

This article has been updated with much new content and information. Please see our latest version in two parts: The True Cross and The False Cross. (By Crystal Holmes) That the cross is a Christian symbol is accepted without question by practically…

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Once Saved Is NOT Always Saved (with audio)

“Can a Christian lose his salvation? Can a person once saved, having received God’s free gift of eternal life and having been born into the family of God, again return exactly and completely to the position of being a lost and guilty…

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What Was That Brazen Serpent About, Anyway?

What Was That Brazen Serpent About, Anyway?

You know, one of the most inexplicable things in the Bible is that little incident in the Old Testament where God commanded Moses to make a brass statue of a snake, of all things, to heal the people. It came about like this. God had had it up to…

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What Do The Bitter Herbs Represent?

Bitter herbs

What do the bitter herbs represent at the passover? According to Jewish tradition, bitter herbs like romaine lettuce and dandelion and horseradish were to be eaten at every passover service. But none of that is in the Bible at all. In fact, bitter…

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Was There Rain Before The Flood?

This question comes up often in relation to pre-flood geology and, for that matter, everyday life in Pre-delugian times. So, had it ever rained before the Flood? Or was the only precipitation a mist that God caused to rise up from the ground?…

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