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Bad Leaders Are YOUR FAULT! (with audio)

  Did you know that? You probably thought that you could just blame a corrupt minister, an incumbent politician, or someone else, anyone else,... Read more

The KEY to the Book of Romans

The book of Romans has probably been responsible for more misunderstandings than any other book ever written; not excepting revelation. The book of... Read more

How Old Is False Grace?

 All the Churches in the world today believe that Grace allows you to break the law of God without being punished for it. They teach that Jesus kept... Read more

What Does Leaven Symbolize? Hint: It's NOT Sin!

Matthew 13:33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal,... Read more

Did Christ Have Special Privileges?

Often in conversation with someone, I'll point out a scripture where Christ did something – calling someone a fool, for example (Matthew 23:19),... Read more

Revelation's Church Eras - Explained!

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, in chapters 2 and 3, there are letters addressed to seven ancient churches in Asia Minor – modern... Read more

The Last Test Is Success

Picture yourself. Thousands of years in the future, a king and priest in the family of God. Endowed with the nature and power of God, second in rank... Read more

What Does It Take To Be Perfect?

I have said before - and correctly - that it is possible to be perfect. Otherwise God wouldn't have commanded people to do it (Genesis 17:1,... Read more

The Inalienable Rights Of Sin

We have all heard that Sin is bad. Sin is evil. Sin is despicable and odious and must be avoided at all costs. But I think we have misjudged Sin. I... Read more

The Resurrection Was NOT On Sunday! (with audio)

...And the crucifixion was NOT on good Friday! Those shocking words should stir up anger in any good Christian, and I hope they build a fire in... Read more

Mosquitoes, Colds, and the Judgment of God (with audio)

I think most of us have, at one time or another asked the question... “WHY on earth did God create mosquitoes?” Well, it's a fair question.... Read more

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We are different because we go to the Bible to find our beliefs, not to confirm those we already have. If the Bible doesn't say it, we don't believe it. If the Bible does say something, then no matter who else does or does not...

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